Page 383 - Anuario FFCC - 2023
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and in the deployment and development of the ERTMS HORIZON 2020 Program
system on the nine main European corridors for the European
Commission. -RAILGAP (2020-2023)
It continues the work started with ERSAT GGC and addresses
Flagship products: ENGINEERING AND CONSULTING: 1. the integration of various sensors (GNSS, LIDAR, etc.) to define
DIGAV. 2. CPK. the “Ground Truth” of the train position. Ineco is leading the
ground truth definition work package. guía de empresas
Activities during the year:
Strategic Line Projects of the State Research Agency (AEI)
The liberalisation of the railway sector in Spain, getting back
to normal after Covid-19 and the growing investment in the -SMART BRIDGE (2021-2024)
sector sponsored by the arrival of the funds associated with Ineco, in collaboration with the Universities of Cordoba (UCO)
the Recovery and Resilience Mechanism have accelerated the and Granada (UGR) presented in May 2021 a proposal with
need for changes and advances in the sector. Changes that the aim to meet the challenges identified in the strategic
Ineco has had to not only adapt to, but also promote in its role line “Predictive maintenance of infrastructure through
as the General State Administration`s own medium. intelligent systems” of the call for Strategic Line Projects of
As part of the progress towards the aforementioned the State Research Agency (AEI) of the Ministry of Science
liberalisation of the network, during the year work continued and Innovation. The action is financed by EU NextGen funds
on the drafting of the projects for the modernisation and through the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan.
extension of the Atocha station, the projects for the Ourense
station, the Valencia-Joaquín Sorolla extension and the design Europe’s Rail JU programme
of actions for the construction of the Valencia access canal - ERJU (2022-2026)
were completed. Ineco has also played an active part in the The ERJU programme brings together all the innovation in
execution and successful commissioning of the high-speed the railway sector sponsored by the European Commission.
line to Murcia and the new Atocha-Chamartín tunnel, and A Partnership has been established between the Commission
continues to work actively on the access to Asturias and the and the European railway industry to promote the railway of
improvement of the Ourense-Monforte-Lugo line. the future. Ineco participates as an affiliate of ADIF. Throughout
At the same time, activities related to those challenges that 2022 ERJU launched the first call for projects of its multi-
commit us to sustainability have increased, with work as year programme of works (2022-2026). Ineco was part of 5
important for society as the start of a pilot project for the proposals and all of them were awarded the contract.
implementation of ERTMS on non-main lines, the design of a
photovoltaic plant for ADIF in Miraflores de la Sierra and the Internal projects: Since 2011 Ineco has invested in its own
performance of energy audits also for ADIF with the aim of projects for the development of high value-added products and
reducing consumption. services. Some of the projects to be highlighted in 2022 are:
Collaborative projects: works in which Ineco participates in - CHARLI:
coordination with other companies to achieve a common goal. Linear routing tool with machine learning, applied only to high
speed and hyperloop, for the development of a tool capable
SHIFT2RAIL Program of routing linear infrastructure in a few minutes, manually
Shift2Rail is the European Commission’s sectoral program and automatically, characterising them, reflecting whether
devoted to innovation in the railway sector. Ineco participates the infrastructure sections are above ground, elevated or
in it through its Open Calls, of which it has been awarded as underground.
part of several consortiums.
- iPackage Factor Humano (iPackage Human Factor):
-OPTIMAL (2019-2022) Incident analysis tool for railway operating environments
Develops several rail traffic control center demonstrators as related to human performance factors. Tools and methodologies
specified by the Shift2Rail program. Ineco participates together development for the identification of critical factors affecting
with ADIF supporting our shareholder in the implementation of human performance, enabling the analysis of human fatigue,
its demonstrator. and providing an environment for the analysis of changes and
their impact on human behaviour.
- Methodology for the identification of operational
requirements and their transformation into ERTMS design
Spanish Railway Yearbook 2023 Anuario del Ferrocarril 381