Page 384 - Anuario FFCC - 2023
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company guide rules: Management System (ISMS) certified by TÜV Rheinland Cert
Development based on the characterisation of operational
GmbH in accordance with the international standard ISO/
IEC 27001:2013, with certificate number 01 153 1916958
requirements and their transformation into design rules in an
and an initial scope that includes the provision of the service
automatic way.
of generating backup copies and recovery of the information
handled by Ineco.
- Efficient of railway infrastructure in BIM:
Automated creation of IFC files from the digitalisation of the
infrastructure to generate a 3D twin in BIM.
In addition, since November 2018, Ineco has held a certificate
of compliance with the Cyber Essentials-UK cybersecurity
- GEOF (Efficient Rail Operations Management):
Model to identify failure modes of infrastructure equipment
and critical elements from a timeliness point of view.
Railway business area scheme, certificate number
Innovations: In the railway area, Ineco is accredited by ENAC (National
At Ineco, innovation is understood as a fundamental factor of Accreditation Entity) as an Inspection Entity (type C) for Railway
differentiation and a driving force for change. For this reason, Rolling Stock and Safety of Railway Applications, in accordance
the company continues to make efforts in this area, with the with the criteria set out in the ISO/IEC 17020:2012 standard
aim of transforming good ideas into new developments that with number 76/EI058, first issued in February 2003. This
contribute to achieving safer, more sustainable and connected accreditation qualifies Ineco to carry out inspection activities in
mobility for all. the industrial area for seven subsystems (Infrastructure, Energy,
Rolling Stock, Control and Signalling, Traffic Operation and
Geographic areas where products and services are Management, Maintenance and Safe Integration).
commercialised: Worldwide.
Products, services and projects
Certifications: Ineco also has other accreditations and certifications associated
Environment, health & safety, quality: with products, services and projects.
Ineco has a management system certified by TÜV Rheinland
Cert GmbH in accordance with international standards: Supplier of railway products and services
ISO 9001:2015, Quality Management System, certificate As a supplier of railway products/services, the company is
number 01 100 1716925. certified as a Link-Up supplier in accordance with RISQS
ISO 14001:2015, Environmental Management System, (Railway Industry Supplier Qualification Scheme) requirements.
certificate number 01 104 1716925. This certificate, for the areas of systems engineering, signalling
ISO 45001:2018, Occupational Health and Safety Management and telecommunications and civil engineering, includes the
System, certificate number 01 113 1716925. following products:
The three certificates are valid until September 2023 and cover Heritage Automatic Train Protection (ATP) unit Design, Track
all of Ineco’s activity both in Spain and the rest of the world: Circuits (including Level Crossings) Design, Colour Light Signals
Provision of services and execution of consultancy studies, Design, Banner Signals Design, Draw Ahead Signals Design,
engineering projects, technical assistance and works Ground Position Light Signals Design, Signal Lamps (including
management and installations, the planning, maintenance LEDs) & Lamp Holders Design, Signal Lenses Design, Points
and management of infrastructures, superstructures, transport Indicators Design, Point Machines Design, SSI Design, Ansaldo
equipment and services, as well as the provision of identical Design, Signal Control Panel NX Design, VDU Based Systems
services in relation to infrastructures of a social nature. Design, Train Describers (Electronic) Design, ATP Equipment
Provision of comprehensive consultancy services, management, Design, Telephone Exchanges (Including Switching Equipment)
monitoring, supervision and administration of the operation, Design, Transmission Systems Design, Telecomm Cabling
maintenance and rehabilitation of transport infrastructure. (Multiple Pair Copper) Design, Telecomm Cabling (Fibre)
These certifications follow a multi-site scheme covering several Design, Battery Back-up - Rectifier Design, Modem Services
offices in Spain and locations in up to 13 countries (Mexico, Design, Radio Systems Design, Wireless Services Design,
Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Oman, Panama, Brazil, Masts (Including Earthing & Lightening Protection) Design,
Ecuador, Peru, Singapore, Israel, United Kingdom, Turkey and CCTV DOO Systems Design, Hot Axle Box Detectors Design,
Costa Rica). Plain Line Design, Plain Line (Absolute Geometry) Design,
Gauge Measurement (Discreet Restrictions) Design, Gauge
Information Security / Cybersecurity Measurement (Tunnels) Design, Track on Longitudinal Timbers
Since February 2020, Ineco has had an Information Security Design, Direct Fastening Track Systems (e.g. Slab Track/Viper)
382 Anuario del Ferrocarril 2023 Spanish Railway Yearbook