Page 382 - Anuario FFCC - 2023
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company guide Design, Banner Signals Design, Draw Ahead Signals Design, Consultancy Service, Clerk of Works Service, Programme
Ground Position Light Signals Design, Signal Lamps (including
Management Service, Project Planning Service.
LEDs) & Lamp Holders Design, Signal Lenses Design, Points
Desarrollo de Software CMMI (Capability Maturity Model
Indicators Design, Point Machines Design, SSI Design, Ansaldo
Integration)-Level 3.
Design, Signal Control Panel NX Design, VDU Based Systems
En 2019 se ha conseguido la reacreditación de la metodología
Design, Train Describers (Electronic) Design, ATP Equipment
de desarrollo de software en el nivel 3 del modelo CMMI-DEV
Design, Telephone Exchanges (Including Switching Equipment)
v1.3 para los trabajos desarrollados por la Subdirección de
Design, Transmission Systems Design, Telecomm Cabling
(Multiple Pair Copper) Design, Telecomm Cabling (Fibre)
Tecnologías de la Información. El certificado ha sido otorgado,
Design, Battery Back-up – Rectifier Design, Modem Services
CMMI Institute Partner, inicialmente en octubre de 2016.
Design, Radio Systems Design, Wireless Services Design,
Masts (Including Earthing & Lightening Protection) Design,
CCTV DOO Systems Design, Hot Axle Box Detectors Design, tras la auditoría, por PROQUA (Process Quality Engineering),
Plain Line Design, Plain Line (Absolute Geometry) Design,
Gauge Measurement (Discreet Restrictions) Design, Gauge Description: A reference in engineering and consultancy in
Measurement (Tunnels) Design, Track on Longitudinal Timbers the field of sustainable mobility and digital transformation,
Design, Direct Fastening Track Systems (e.g. Slab Track/Viper) Ineco has been designing comprehensive, innovative, and
Design, Switches & Crossings Conventional Design, Switches technological solutions for 50 years that have enabled progress
& Crossings (Absolute Geometry) Design, Switches & Crossings to be made towards a new, more sustainable and safer model
(Modular Systems) Design, Track Drainage Design, Tunnels of mobility. Solutions that contribute directly to improving the
Design, Tunnel Linings Design, Tunnel Drainage Design, quality of life of millions of people.
Track Support Concrete (Slab Track) Design, Foundations
(Piled) Design, Foundations (Conventional) Design, Steel Management team:
Frame Design, Concrete Frame Design, Timber Frame Design, Presidency: Sergio Vázquez Torrón. Engineering and
Stairs Design, Transformers & Transformer Rectifiers Design, Consultancy General Director: Patricia Rey. National Business
Batteries Design, U.P.S. Design, Main Steelwork Design, General Director: Moisés Gilaberte. International Business
Small Part Steelwork Design, Support System Design, Wiring General Director: Ainhoa Zubieta. Organization and Corporate
Design, Earthing & Bonding Design, Switching Design, Services General Director: Magdalena Bodelón. Corporate
Substations/Switching Stations Design, HV Cabling Design, Coordination Executive Director: Celestino Rodríguez. General
Trackside Equipment Design, Substations/Switching Stations/ Secretary: Alberto Torró. Strategy and Management Control
Track Paralleling Huts Design, DC Cabling Design, Trackside Director: Daniel Latorre. Innovation and Product Development
Equipment Design, Traction SCADA Design, Non-Traction Director: Ana Rojo.
SCADA Design.
Y el registro en los siguientes productos: Activity: Reference Engineering and consultancy company in
Signal Sighting Service, Development & Review of Signalling sustainable mobility and digital transformation.
Standards Service, Civil Engineering Consultancy Service,
Development & Review of Civil Engineering Standards Service, Main products and services:
Highway Engineering Service, Absorptive Barriers Design, Thanks to its comprehensive, multidisciplinary and
Reflective Barriers Design, Access Way & Steps Design, technological approach, Ineco has remained a leading player
Concrete Fences Design, Timber Fences Design, Metal Fences in Spain in the railway sector, with a solid track record that
Design, Plastic Fences Design, Boundary Gates Design, Level began more than 50 years ago. Among the main projects
Crossing Stiles, Gates & Barriers Design, Safety Barriers & carried out at national level are the continuation of the works
Restraints Design, Noise Barriers Design, Acoustic Linings for the modernisation and extension of Atocha Station, the
Design, Track Consultancy Service, Development & Review works carried out at Ourense station, the extension of Valencia-
of Track Standards Service, Level Crossing Ground Plans Joaquín Sorolla station and the design of the works for the
Service, Electrification Consultancy Service, Development & construction of the access canal to Valencia. The construction
Review Electrification Standards Service, Operational Planning and commissioning of the high-speed line to Murcia and the
Service, Assessment of Infrastructure Options Service, Capacity new Atocha-Chamartín tunnel should be highlighted. On the
Modelling Service, Network Optioneering Service, Peak other hand, in the international field, Ineco continues to work
Load Management Service, Rail Economics Service, Strategic on large projects such as Rail Baltica, the consultancy project
Business Studies Service, Timetable Optioneering Service, for the Paso de los Toros works in Uruguay, the Tren Maya
Timetable Simulation Service, Train Performance Simulation in Mexico, and the analysis and evaluation of the technical
Service, System Integration Design, General Environmental regulations for Centralny Port Komunikacyjny Sp.z o.o. (CPK)
380 Anuario del Ferrocarril 2023 Spanish Railway Yearbook