Page 378 - Anuario FFCC - 2023
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company guide team of professionals. Combining these differentiating factors spaces conducive to the development of innovation projects
yields a portfolio of end-to-end solutions focused on leading
and new business models. Indra also delivers strategic solutions
geared towards the efficiency and sustainability of the railway
smart mobility to respond to current and future challenges, all
while clearly prioritising traveller experience and improving
sustainability. The different solution lines of Indra Mova
Solutions place the company in a clear leadership position
as orchestrator of critical mobility and infrastructure systems,
infrastructures in countries including yet not limited to Spain,
Turkey, Lithuania, Colombia, Argentina, Chile, China, Malaysia,
and span the entire life cycle of customer projects: engineering
and consulting (Mova Consulting), collection systems (Mova
the USA, the UK, and Australia, and is currently working on the
Collect), operational and control systems (Mova Traffic),
security and safety solutions (Mova Protect), communications
technology supplier within the Spanish consortium for the
(Mova Comms), traveller experience (Mova Experience) and
Mecca-Medina high-speed rail link project in Saudi Arabia is
operation and maintenance services (Mova Care). Irish and Estonian rail networks. Indra’s role as a benchmark
also worthy of particular mention.
Indra’s comprehensive offer for the railway sector links the More than 100 cities across the world have chosen Indra’s
different sector areas, interconnecting with all other transport solutions to improve their urban mobility and transport
modes through specific solutions and services for the public ecosystems, such as London, Amsterdam, Sydney, Madrid,
sector, infrastructure administrators, railway operators, Barcelona Dublin, Riyadh, Medellin and Manila.
logistics operators, and even manufacturers, maintenance
firms, construction companies and large integrators. Proof of Innovations:
its sector capacity and experience lies in the over 30,000 km Innovation forms a cornerstone of Indra’s strategy. It stands
of railway tracks and over 4,000 km of high-speed railways among Europe’s leading innovative companies in terms of
served by its Rail Mova Traffic systems. There are also north of investment in RD&I (Research, Development and Innovation)
35 million transactions processed daily with its Mova Collect and its open innovation model, whose competence and
solutions and over 700 SIL-4 on-board equipment and more value contribution are accredited by Spanish and European
than 13,000 safety beacons deployed from the Mova Protect certifications. In the EU Industrial R&D Investment Scoreboard,
line of solutions. Indra appears as one of the European companies that invests
the most in R&D&i in its sector and it has become the Spanish
The company is IRIS (International Railway Industry Standard) company with the highest returns and the second in Europe
certified according to ISO 22163, accrediting the maximum within the Horizon 2020 Innovation Framework Programme
quality and safety of its railway products based on the sector’s (H2020).
most demanding standards.
The company is part of the highest governing body of Europe’s
Top products: INFRAESTRUCTURE: 1. ERTMS technology Rail, Europe’s largest rail innovation programme, which drives
for train infrastructure. 2. IoT for critical infrastructure digitalisation and sustainability across the sector. With a budget
and Smart Station. OTHERS: 3. Smart Ticketing Solutions – worth 1.2 billion euros, Europe’s Rail is part of Horizon Europe,
ABT (Account-Based Ticketing). 4. Integrated operator sales the new Framework Programme for European Innovation, and
platform. it continues with the work of the previous rail innovation
programme, Shift2Rail, in which Indra was already part of the
Activities in the year: highest governing body and in which it played a very important
There are four main pillars in Indra’s railway sector offering: role, participating in more than 20 projects. With this new
programme, the company will participate in the development
(1) Optimisation and operational safety, covering all areas of new large-scale solutions, with the participation of a large
of operation, encompassing everything from planning to number of stakeholders, so these solutions can be implemented
maintenance, and driving interoperability to reduce operating in different European countries. CyberRail IoT, satellite ERTMS,
costs, maximise capabilities and optimise processes. big data, artificial intelligence, digital twins, smart maintenance
(2) Comprehensive passenger management, promoting or smart platforms are some of the main technologies and
intermodal public transport with solutions adapted to traveller solutions to be addressed by Indra in these developments.
needs that foster a global user experience.
(3) Interoperability of goods, through solutions for planning Indra participated in several of the programmes within the
and managing freight transport services, thus enabling full framework of the previous initiative, Shift2Rail. As part of the IP4
physical and documentary traceability of cargo. programme, which focuses on improving traveller experience,
(4) Sustainability and innovation, to generate co-creation Indra has led the ticketing and interoperability areas, and
376 Anuario del Ferrocarril 2023 Spanish Railway Yearbook