Page 374 - Anuario FFCC - 2023
P. 374
company guide Certificaciones: yard for self-propelled trains for RENFE’s Maintenance Facility
Calidad, Medio Ambiente y Seguridad y Salud:
Complex North Madrid in Fuencarral.
In April 2023 was the launching of the project signed with
- Calidad ISO 9001, Medio Ambiente ISO 14001 y Prevención
Uganda Railways corporation to refurbish 28 km of the
de riesgos Laborables OHSAS 18.001.
Kampala -Malaba line. Starting with the full construction of the
- Durante el año 2022 se ha estado trabajando con estándares
first manufacturing factory for concrete sleepers, the works in
the line will start in 2023.
y procedimientos del PMI (Project Management Institute) para
mejorar la calidad de nuestros servicios y ajustarlos a los usos
There have been continuous operations to build our presence
in the Egyptian market, with tenders both for public and private
internacionales. Así mismo se ha iniciado y desarrollado un
profundo y global proceso de digitalización que pretende
abarcar todos los departamentos de la compañía.
- Saudi Arabia. In the Haramain High Speed railway line Project
between Makkah and Medina we have continued performing
Facturación: 35.987.271 € clients. Other emergent markets have been explored as well.
N. º de empleados: 208 the maintenance of the infrastructure and superstructure
in coexistence with the operation. There are a number of
significant activities carried out: adjusting and maintenance
of turnouts, both conventional as well as high speed ones;
Management team: periodic monitoring and auscultation of the infrastructure
Chairman: Julián García Valverde. CEO: Daniel García Martín. and tracks; geometric auscultation and dynamic auscultation
Managing Director: José María Carbajo Sotillo. by accelerometers implemented in a high-speed rolling stock
(300km/h) and ultrasound machines for the rail auscultation.
Activity: Civil engineering works. We also have grinded the rails with specific 3-unit Grinder
Machine for long-lasting rails. Regarding the Preventive
Main products and services: and Corrective Maintenance IMATHIA Construcción has a
Imathia Construcción carries out its activities mainly in the comprehensive team of high-specialized human resources,
execution of civil works, with a high specialization in railway state-of-the-art machinery and equipment for the full and
projects, in the fields of: independent performing of the works described in the High-
- Railways Speed Track and infrastructure Maintenance Plan.
- Roads
- Hydraulics - Spain. During this year, a significant progress has been
- Environment achieved in the construction of the Maintenance Workshop
- Urban Planning for high-speed units and railway yard for self-propelled trains
for RENFE’s Maintenance Facility Complex North Madrid in
Top products: MAINTENANCE: 1. Construction of Civil works Fuencarral. The advance performance at the end of 2022 for
for superstructure and Maintenance (12 years) of infra and the railway yard and the workshop itself is near 70%.
superstructure for the Haramain High Speed Line between
Makkah and Madinah. (KSA). TRACK 2. Monoblock Sleeper - Egypt: We have been preparing bids for track refurbishment
Factory for the Refurbishment of 28 km in the Kampala – and also, we have developed into the precast sleeper market
Malaba Railway Line (Uganda). looking for alliances.
Activities in the year:
The year 2022 has been a reactivating year for the tendering in Geographic areas where your products and services are
construction, specially in large railway projects. Specially in marketed:
Spain, there has been a new wave of tenders by ADIF mainly From its very start, Imathia Construcción has had a clear
because of the extraordinary financing situation trough the vocation for exporting our know-how abroad. In recent years,
Next Generation European Funds. we have closed partnerships with foreign companies. We are
currently immersed in several bidding processes in countries as
During this year, the Maintenance works for the infrastructure varied as Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Uganda, Tanzania.
and superstructure of the Haramain Line for Saudi Arabia The expansion policy has been based on the creation of
Railways have continued, achieving extraordinary quality consortia and joint ventures, in which we can combine our
rates. The presence in the Spanish national market has been technical knowledge and expertise with the knowledge of the
reinforced with the steady progress of the works for the environment provided by local partners as well as with the
Maintenance Workshop for high-speed units and railway specialization of international business.
372 Anuario del Ferrocarril 2023 Spanish Railway Yearbook