Page 388 - Anuario FFCC - 2023
P. 388

company guide  Partnerships:                             workgroups and currently gathers more than 125 members
                                                                    including public operators, engineering firms, start-ups, sensor-
                                                                    mobility systems, OEMs, cybersecurity, and rail infrastructure
                  MINETUR, Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism.
                  ACCIÓ, Agency for the Competitiveness of the company of the
                                                                    IN-MOVE by Railgrup applies its recognized return of value
                  Generalitat de Catalunya.
                                                                    strategy based on innovation through the identification of
                  ALAMYS, Latin American Association of Metro and Subways.
                  CENIT, Center for Transport Innovation.
                                                                    scenarios that provide competitive advantage and improvement
                                                                    for the sector, focused on the final customer of railway mobility.
                  Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya.
                  Chamber of Commerce of Barcelona
                  Official College of Telecommunications Engineers.
                  College of engineers of roads, channels and ports of
                                                                    Internationalization with a special focus on SMEs and R&D
                                                                    projects are the main return on value.
                  Enginyers industrials de Catalunya.               Institutional representation.
                  FERRMED.                                          Main products and services:
                  FETEIA, Spanish Federation of Freight Forwarders.
                  FENAEIC, National Federation of Groups of Innovative   Tailored workgroups and task forces, workshops and tech days,
                  Companies and clusters. Foundation of the Spanish Railways.   International Fairs participation program, Matchmaking events,
                  CERCLE D’INFRAESTRUCTURES.                        funding search scheme, business development, international
                  CIAC, Cluster of l’Autonoció de Catalunya.        missions, newsletter and marketing services, selective
                  PFP, Portuguese Railway Platform.                 networking at managerial levels, international tender up to date
                  INNO-PRO, Innovationsnetværket for Produktion Cen-Sec.   information, Market intelligence, R&D Advisory, Cross-sectoral
                  Denmark Transportail Canada.                      project stimulation.
                  Fundación Fórum Ambiental.
                  AMG ABOGADOS                                      Top  products:  BUSINESS  ASSOCIATIONS:  1.  European
                  EXPORTRENDS                                       Projects Bureau. 2. Workgroups 3. Fairs and Events  4. IN-
                  PNO Consultants                                   MOVE by Railgrup Internationalization Tips.
                  Management team:                                  Activities in the year:
                  President: Isaac  Albert. Cluster Manager: Ignasi Gómez-
                  Belinchón. Project Managers: Daniel Fernández de Soto and   - Search and analysis of the feasibility of projects and financing
                  Clementine Suraud Kiffer                          for partners.
                                                                    - Promotion of communication and cooperation between
                  Board of Directors:                               partners to create synergies.
                  Operators: FGC,  TRAM,  TMB, RENFE OEMs: SIEMENS,   - Promotion of subsidy programs and export aid.
                  ALSTOM, STADLER                                   - IN-MOVE by Railgrup Academy. Training plan: organization
                  Engineering: SENER, IDOM, META ENGINEERING        of courses, workshops, B2B’s, conferences and  technical
                  Integrator: INDRA, CAPGEMINI                      visits, workshops related to R+D+i, internationalization days,
                  SMEs: Integral Design & Development, MASATS, ROLEN,   strategic days and other networking days held with partners.
                  GREENFLEX                                         -  Organization and  participation  in fairs  such  as Innotrans,
                  Administation: ATM,, Direcció General del   Smart Mobility World Congress, Go Mobility, EcoMobility WC,
                  Transport                                         Advanced Factories, Rail Live.
                  Tech Centre: EURECAT                              - Organization of the European ERCI Innovation Railway
                  Activity: Our slogan “Mobility or nothing”, is the essence and   - Direct dialogue with public administrations, institutions and
                  strategy which drives us to work aiming to improve mobility in   organizations of the railway sector.
                  the railway sector.                               - Market Intelligence and Internationalization: carrying out
                  Action, dynamism, initiative, mobility. Since 2002, IN-MOVE   studies of business opportunities and business missions abroad
                  by Railgrup has become a benchmark cluster not only in   with the support of the administration.
                  the railway ecosystem but in the transport sector in general.   - Promotion and dissemination through media and social
                  Through innovation, technological excellence,  cross-sectoral   networks.
                  knowledge, and the development of joint projects, we help
                  our members establishing key points and improving their   Geographic  areas  where  your  products  and  services  are
                  business competitiveness. IN-MOVE by Railgrup has different   marketed: Worldwide.

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