Page 393 - Anuario FFCC - 2023
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- Technical assistance for the monitoring and activities carried out to upgrade and adapt the entire high
supervision of the inspection and upgrade works of the overhead voltage, low voltage and lighting electrical installation to the
contact line between the Aranguren and Carranza stations and new requirements and current regulations for low-voltage
the Carranza substation to commission the electrification of the electrical installations in the Diego de León and Avenida de
section. Adif América stations of Metro de Madrid.
- Technical assistance for the monitoring and
control of the works for the broadcasting of the new digital Innovations: guía de empresas
asfa frequencies for the stop pre-announcement, caution Innovations in 2022:
announcement and stop limit zone control aspects. Adif
- Technical assistance in the control and supervision Hyperstrooct Project
of the work “adaptation of the automatic balise blocking system In 2021, Inse Rail launched, in collaboration with the CDTI
in the San Cristóbal - Aranjuez section of line 300 Madrid (Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology), the
Chamartín - Valencia Estació del Nord”. Adif HYPERSTROOCT innovation project.
- Technical Assistance for the design projects
and execution of works for the interlocking installations, The goal of this innovation project is to design and develop a
train protection systems, centralized traffic control, computerized system to simulate the structural response and
auxiliary detection systems, power supply system, fixed vehicle-structure interaction for Hyperloop viaducts, making it
telecommunications, mobile telecommunications, protection possible to automate the design calculations of the viaducts in
and security installations and affections of the Nudo de la order to evaluate and then build them.
Encina-Xàtiva-Valencia section of the Mediterranean Corridor.
Adif The many innovative goals of this project include resolving
- Technical assistance to the works on the safety, the problem of structural analysis of vehicle movement along
communications, energy and civil works installations and the viaducts or similar infrastructure in the Hyperloop system, and
implementation of the GSM-R Mobile communications system also determining the predicted response for the structure and
on the Humanes-Monfragüe section. Adif the vehicle in terms of movement, deformation, stress and
- Technical assistance for the control and supervision strain. It is also essential to obtain results that can be applied
of the works for the electrical traction substation and the to the engineering, such making it possible to study alternatives
associated transformation centers, remote power control of the that are comparable to each other in order to assess the
Salamanca - Fuentes de Oñoro stretch. Adif required construction time and the necessary investment, or
- Technical assistance to the works related to the planning the line and its division into sections based on the
design project of the Murcia-Almeria high speed Mediterranean route specifications and surrounding conditions.
corridor for ADIF on the Nonduermas-Sangonera section. Adif
The HYPERSTROOCT project is being developed by INSE
Operation and Maintenance projects RAIL, and is expected to be operational in 2023.
- Projects for specific investment actions in the area of
the maintenance division. South and northeast lot. Adif Galibrail Project
- Management and monitoring of maintenance work
on Adif’s cable network. Lot 1. Adif In 2022, Inse Rail launched, in collaboration with the CDTI
- Service of identification and characterization of (Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology), the
asbestos in the Metro de Barcelona network. Transportes GALIBRAIL innovation project.
Metropolitanos de Barcelona The purpose of the GALIBRAIL project is to design and develop
- Service to provide environmental analysis for a computerized system to calculate and analyze railway gages
the determination of asbestos fibers and other fibers in the that takes all of the elements of a railway line, its environment
environment, in the technical rooms of Metro de Madrid. and rolling stock into consideration, and applies new algorithms
- Technical assistance for the comprehensive to calculate and dimension the maximum measurements to
maintenance of the track superstructure of Metro de Madrid. validate the traffic conditions in the current real situation.
- Technical assistance and engineering of spare parts Since gage calculation is the basic pillar for developing new
and installations of the facilities maintenance area of Metro de rail corridors, diversifying the operation of existing ones, and
Madrid. enabling interoperability in international traffic, the need for
- Technical assistance for the renovation of substations this previously non-existent automated calculation system
due to technological obsolescence and presence of ACM of to address this aspect is now more necessary than ever, and
Metro de Madrid. will represent a significant competitive advantage for Inse Rail
- Inspection, monitoring and supervision of the when this innovation project is successfully completed.
Spanish Railway Yearbook 2023 Anuario del Ferrocarril 391