Page 470 - Anuario FFCC - 2024
P. 470

company guide  ACROT tunnel boring machines, based on the combination   toring and control of the extension works of Madrid Chamar-

                 of a digital platform for data collection, processing, analysis
                                                                   tín-Clara Campoamor station, for ADIF (Spain).
                                                                   - Expansion, Improvement, Rearrangement and Transformati-
                 and visualization in real time with the technical expertise of
                                                                   on of Sants Station (ADIF, Spain)
                 a dedicated team of specialists, a detailed and permanently
                                                                   - High Speed Urban Integration in Almeria (Spain). Second
                 updated procedures manual and a structured database with
                 project history. The system has been successfully used in pro-
                 jects such as the first phase of the Oporto metro (Portugal), the
                                                                   - Dynamic Project Supervision for ADIF Alta Velocidad (Spain)
                 Barcelona Sants-Sagrera high-speed railway line and line 3 of
                                                                   - Electrification of the Puertollano-Mérida high speed section
                 the Guadalajara metro (Mexico).
                                                                   - Implementation of the 4+4+2 track layout at Atocha Cer-
                 - Structural health monitoring system for railway bridges based
                                                                   canías Station (Spain).
                 on data analytics and the application of decision-making al-  (Spain).
                                                                   - Study of the aerodynamic loads generated on a freight train
                 gorithms to predictively assess the future evolution of the   when crossing with a high-speed train on mixed operation li-
                 structural condition of the structures, integrated with BIM mo-  nes for ADIF (Spain).
                 dels. Developed through a pre-commercial innovative public   - Electrification project of the Vilnius-Klaipeda section in
                 procurement contract with the Center for the Development of   Lithuania for ELECNOR. Drafting of the technical design and
                 Industrial Technology (CDTI).                     technical work design projects for a 25 kV catenary between
                                                                   Vilnius and Klaipeda for a total of 730 km of track.
                 - Intelligent energy asset management system EMS: Real-time   - Framework plan of CMS projects of the suburban railway
                 predictive and automatic control system for all the energy as-  plan. Drafting of construction projects for ADIF safety installa-
                 sets of a facility, optimizing the possible synergies between   tions on the conventional network, for ADIF (Spain).
                 self-consumption generation, storage and energy demand,   - Signaling and track design for PT1 of the Dammam - Riyadh
                 both electrical and thermal.                      railway line. Infrastructure and track construction project for
                                                                   the extension of seven railway sidings on the Riyadh-Dam-
                 Top products: ENGINEERING AND CONSULTING: 1. Sener   mam railroad line. Extension and/or replacement of seven
                 designs the fourth bridge over the Panama Canal. 2. High-  drainage works. For CRCC - China Rail Construction Compa-
                 Speed Rail line track project between Las Vegas and Los An-  ny, in Saudi Arabia.
                 geles.                                            - Technical support to the SCT (Secretariat of Communications
                                                                   and Transport) throughout the tender and contracting process
                 Activities in the year:                           for the passenger train for the Toluca–Mexico City line’s com-
                 High-speed and conventional railway:              mercial operation, as well as providing technical monitoring
                                                                   services during the first few months of the line’s operational
                 - Alameda-Barrancas Freight Corridor, Port of San Antonio   phase.
                 (Chile).                                          - Detailed design, technical support and project management
                 - Supervision of executive projects of the Mayan Train, sec-  during the construction phase of the passenger train for the
                 tions I to VII. Technical supervision of all the integral executi-  Toluca–Mexico City line (Mexico).
                 ve projects of sections I to VII of the Mayan Train (1,505 km)   - Development of the detailed designs for the railway connec-
                 for Fondo Nacional de Fomento al Turismo (FONATUR), in   tion between Dar es Salaam and Morogoro, for the Tanzania
                 Mexico.                                           Central Corridor (TZCC), awarded by the Yapi-Merkezi/Mota-
                 - Technical, economic, environmental and legal feasibility   Engil consortium. This consists of a 205 km-long track with six
                 studies for FERROESTE. Technical, economic, environmental   stations, and the works include the preliminary and detailed
                 and legal feasibility studies for the implementation of 1,370   design of the railway, the infrastructure - including 93 viaducts
                 km of freight railroad between Mato Grosso do Sul and the   -, as well as the stations, maintenance workshops and depots.
                 Port of Paranaguá (Paraná), as well as a section for Foz do   SENER will carry out this project in conjunction with the Da-
                 Iguaçu for the Department of Rodagem do Paraná - DER/PR   nish consultancy firm COWI.
                 (Brazil).                                         - HS2 EDP (Engineering Delivery Partner) contract for the line
                 - Regional Trans DUBBO (Sydney - Australia)       between London and Birmingham for High Speed Two (HS2)
                 - Brisbane Commuter Rail - Cross River Rail (Australia)  Limited, a government company responsible for the develop-
                 - Study of the Basque Country Railway Network 2021 for ETS   ment and running of the new high-speed railway network in
                 (Spain)                                           the United Kingdom.
                 - Consulting services and technical assistance for the moni-  - In the high-speed railway line in California (USA), design of

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