Page 472 - Anuario FFCC - 2024
P. 472

company guide  - Hydrogen technology for use in rail mobility.  OE

                                                                   Juan Antonio Quesada – Director General deputy, Respon-
                 - Hyperloop: Participation in the Technical Committee for
                                                                   sable de posventa
                                                                   Jesus Alvarez Montes – Director de operaciones
                 Standardization CTN 326 of AENOR.
                 - Assests4Rail: Project developed within the framework of the
                                                                   Jose Miguel Huesa – Director de ingeniería sistemas
                 Shift2Rail program focused on the exploration, adaptation,
                                                                   Felix Ruiz – Director de ingeniería electrónica de potencia
                                                                   Adrian Laso Gutierrez – Director de RR.HH, talento y Comu-
                 and testing of innovative technologies for the monitoring and
                 maintenance of railway assets.
                 - Nierbimo: Project developed in the framework of the HAZI-
                 TEK program, aimed at developing digital twins of railway sta-
                                                                   xiliares, Tracción, Mantenimiento, Telecomunicación.
                 tions and depots to optimize their operation and maintenance
                 and contribute to their transformation into near-zero energy   Actividad: Componentes, Electrónica, Equipos Eléctricos au-
                 consumption buildings (NZEB).                     Principales productos y servicios:
                                                                   Diseño y fabricación de convertidores auxiliares de potencia
                 Geographic areas where your products and services are mar-  y sistemas embarcados (PACIS, CCTV, ER) y ASFA para fer-
                 keted:                                            rocarriles.
                 Countries  in  the  EU,  UK,  Middle  East  -with  a  presence  in
                 countries such as Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Qa-  Productos estrella: EQUIPOS ELÉCTRICOS AUXILIARES: 1.
                 tar and Oman-, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Chile,   Convertidor Auxiliar 3kV//200kVA-30kW. TELECOMUNI-
                 Ecuador, Egypt, the United States, Israel, Mexico, Panama,   CACIÓN: 2. Megafonía, Comunicaciones por Voz y Sistemas
                 Peru, the Philippines, Tanzania and Uruguay.      de Información al Pasajero (PACIS).

                 Certifications:                                   Áreas geográficas donde comercializa los productos y ser-
                 Quality and Environment: ISO 9001 – ISO 14001 – OHSAS   vicios: Mundial.
                 Innovation: AENOR certificate in R&D&I in accordance with   Certificaciones:
                 UNE standard 166002:2006.                         Calidad y Medio Ambiente:
                 Building Information Modeling (BIM): UNE-EN ISO 19650.  ISO 9001
                 Railway Safety Inspections (ISA): UNE-EN ISO/IEC   IRIS
                                                                   Facturación: 22 Mio.
                 No. of employees: 4,000                           Nº de empleados: 100
                                                                   Capital social: 3000

                                                                   Management team:
                                                                   Martin Ressnig – General Manager, Head of OE market
                                                                   Juan Antonio Quesada – Deputy General Manager, Head of
                         SEPSAMEDHA SLU                            Jesus Alvarez Montes – Operations Director
                                                                   Jose Miguel Huesa – Engineering Director Information Systems
                                                                   Felix Ruiz – Engineering Director Power Electronics
                           Dirección postal / Postal address:      Adrian Laso Gutierrez – HR, talent and communciation Di-
                                 Calle Azores 8,                   rector
                               28320 Pinto, España
                        Email:       Activity: Components, Electronics, Auxiliary Electrical Equip-
                            Web:                ment, Traction, Maintenance, Telecommunication.

                 Equipo directivo:                                 Main products and services:
                 Martin Ressnig – Director General, responsable de mercado   Design and manufacture of traction and auxiliar power con-

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