Page 469 - Anuario FFCC - 2024
P. 469
- Design phase services:
Preliminary design
Detailed engineering
Management team: Final design
President: Andrés Sendagorta. CEO: Jorge Sendagorta Cudós. Systems integration
Mobility Managing Director: César Quevedo. Schedule and cost estimates guía de empresas
Value Engineering
Activity: Engineering and Consultancy.
- Construction phase:
Main products and services: Construction management
Services: Site Supervision and quality control
Testing and commissioning
Sener offers all the engineering services required for the com-
plete development of railway projects, from the initial plan- - Operation and maintenance phase:
ning stages, feasibility and conceptual studies, preliminary Operation and maintenance plans
engineering, detailed projects, to the management and super- Consultancy and assistance for operation and maintenance
vision of construction and operation and project management, Cost optimization
with different financing, construction and operational formu- Start-up assistance
las and both for public institutions and private clients. Functional and operational studies
Development of digital twins
Sener covers with its specialists all the technical disciplines
involved in a railway project, including: - In all phases:
Risk management
- Civil works Interface management
- Geotechnics and tunnels RAMS - Reliability, availability and maintenance
- Bridges and structures Independent Checking Engineering
- Track Project management integral services
- Architecture and urban integration Documentation and data management
- Energy supply Quality guarantee and quality control
- Electromechanical facilities Environment and sustainability
- Ticketing and passenger information systems Due diligence
- Communication systems Safety studies and audits. Independent Security Advisory (ISA)
- Signaling systems
- Traffic control systems Products:
- Operations control centers
- Rolling stock Sener combines its expert technical knowledge of the railway
- Acoustics and vibrations field with new data science and artificial intelligence techno-
logies and with its innovation capabilities to develop solutions
Building on this multidisciplinary expertise, Sener offers a aimed at solving problems or needs of its clients in the con-
fully integrated view of projects, supported by its capabilities struction, operation and maintenance of railway systems.
in project management, systems engineering and integration,
RAMS and safety assurance and BIM. Among these solutions, the following can be highlighted:
- Planning phase services: - RESPIRA®: System for the optimization of ventilation and
Functional and conceptual design air conditioning management in metro networks, stations and
Master plans other enclosed spaces, focused on improving thermal comfort,
Pre-feasibility and feasibility studies air quality and energy consumption. In service in five Barce-
Demand and traffic studies lona metro lines, with very significant improvements in both
Profitability and economic impact studies energy savings and passenger comfort.
Concession structuring
Transport planning - ACROT: Advisory system for risk control in the operation of
Spanish Railway Yearbook 2024 Anuario del Ferrocarril 467