Page 475 - Anuario FFCC - 2024
P. 475

Certificaciones:                                 tificate of Company Registration No. ER 0517/1996 issued by
               Calidad, Medio Ambiente, Seguridad y Salud Laboral e Inve-  AENOR, in accordance with the UNE-EN-ISO 9001 standard.
               stigación, Desarrollo e Innovación. Certificado de Registro de   Certification of environmental management system: Envi-
               Empresa nº ER 0517/1996 emitido por AENOR, de acuerdo   ronmental Management Certificate No. GA-2001/0396 issu-
               a la norma UNE-EN-ISO 9001. Certificación del sistema de   ed by AENOR, in accordance with the UNE-EN-ISO 14001
               gestión medioambiental: Certificado de Gestión Ambiental nº   standard.  Occupational  Health  and  Safety  Certificate  No.   guía de empresas
               GA-2001/0396 emitido por AENOR, de acuerdo a la Norma   ES-SST-0155/2007 issued by AENOR, in accordance with
               UNE-EN-ISO 14.001. Certificado Nº ES-SST-0155/2007 emi-  the UNE-EN-ISO 45.001. Investigation, Development and
               tido por AENOR en Seguridad y Salud Laboral, de acuerdo a   Innovation Certificate No. IDI-0013/2020 issued by AENOR,
               la Norma UNE-EN-ISO 45.001. Certificación del sistema de   in accordance with the UNE-EN-ISO 166.002. We currently
               gestión de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación emitido por   have an integrated management system for quality, the envi-
               AENOR, de acuerdo a la Norma UNE-EN 166.002. En la ac-  ronment and occupational health and safety.
               tualidad disponemos de un sistema integrado de gestión de la
               calidad, el medio ambiente y seguridad y salud laboral.  No. of employees: 32
                                                                Share capital: 120,202 Euros
               Nº de empleados: 32
               Capital social: 120.202 Euros

               Management team: CEO: B. Sanz Alonso.

               Activity: Infrastructure maintenance.

               Main products and services:
               Full control of vegetation on railway facilities (railway lines
               and stations), industrial areas, infrastructures and non-agricul-  SKF Española, S.A.
               tural land. Supply and application of herbicide products and
               technical advice. Removal of unwanted pests by fumigation,     Av. de la Vega, 21
               disinfection and pest control.                              28108 Alcobendas (Madrid)
               Top products: TRACK: 1. Company leader in Weed Control          Tel. 917 684 200
               on railway facilities. 2. Company leader in Pest Control.
               Activities in the year:                                 
               >  Control of vegetation using herbicide trains and mobile
               equipment for the Administrator of Railway Infrastructures on   Descripción:
               Conventional Lines, as well as in the newly built sections.   Pertenece al Grupo SKF, establecido desde 1907 y con pres-
               > Brush clearing and herbicide treatments in REE infrastruc-  encia mundial en más de 130 países. Organización al servicio
               tures.                                           del mercado industrial, incluyendo ingenieros especialistas en
               > Brush clearing and herbicide treatments in Logistics Centres.   el sector ferroviario.

               DDD: Pest control by disinfection and elimination of insects   Equipo directivo:
               and rodents.                                     - Director SKF España y Portugal: José María Esteve Cavaller.
                                                                - Director Comercial Ferrocarriles & OEMs Industrias Estraté-
               Geographic areas where your products and services are mar-  gicas: Javier Marín Bernal.
               keted:                                           - Responsable de Ingeniería de Aplicaciones: Francisco Voyer
               Spain and countries of the European Community.   Iniesta.
                                                                - Servicio a Clientes Especialista en Ferrocarril: Nuria Pascual
               Certifications:                                  Zarzalejo.
               Quality, Environment, Occupational Health and Safety. Cer-

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