Page 480 - Anuario FFCC - 2024
P. 480

company guide  Signaling Systems:                       TRAMLINK family for different cities in Germany, Switzerland

                 ETCS systems,
                                                                   and Italy.
                                                                   Development and launch of the new generation of EURO lo-
                 CBTC systems,
                                                                   comotives, available in different track gauges and with trac-
                 ATO Systems,
                 Anti-collision systems
                                                                   tion and signalling systems.
                                                                   The locomotive homologation program has been maintained:
                                                                   EURODUAL in Germany, Austria, Norway and Turkey.
                 Top products: ROLLING MATERIAL AND TRACTION EQUIP-
                                                                   EURO6000 in Spain and France.
                 MENT: 1. EURO6000 Locomotive.  2. TRAMLINK.  3. High
                 Capacity Commuter Trains.  4. CITYLINK TRAM TRAIN.
                                                                   the Netherlands.
                 Activities in the year:
                                                                   Central cab locomotives for VR (Finland).
                 In 2023, the company have set up a training center within   EURO9000 for Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Belgium and
                                                                   EUROLIGHT s/336 locomotives for ADIF.
                 the Albuixech plant, representing a 2 million euro investment,   Metric dual locomotives for FGC
                 to provide dual vocational training in welding, mechatronics,   Development of on-board systems for energy efficiency, mo-
                 electricity and painting. This initiative has two purposes, ensu-  nitoring and vehicle location.
                 ring the availability of new employees with the necessary qua-
                 lifications and promoting the continuous learning of its staff.  Geographic areas where your products and services are mar-
                 In  the financial  year  2023,  the company  can  highlight the   The main markets are Europe and the US, but Stadler is pre-
                 consolidation of its position in the markets where it already   sent in 44 countries with more than 11,000 vehicles sold
                 operates, in all its products: locomotives (electric, diesel, dual,   worldwide.
                 hybrid), in LRV (trams and metros) and EMUs.      Stadler, for example, has sold 2,500 FLIRT trains, its family of
                                                                   regional and commuter trains, in 21 different countries and
                 Regarding the international market, in 2023 the position in the   2,500 locomotives in 25 countries on the five continents.
                 Italian market has been strengthen with an important contract
                 with Ente Autonomo Volturno for the manufacture, supply and   Certifications:
                 maintenance of up to 100 EMUs, 40 in the first agreement   Prevention, Quality and Environment Certificates:
                 and up to 60 in the second agreement.  Stadler and Azienda   Quality: ISO/TS 22163:2017 and ISO 9001:2015
                 Transporti Milanesi S.p.A. (ATM) also signed another frame-  Environment: ISO 14001:2015
                 work agreement for the supply of up to 50 TRAMLINK trams   Health and Safety at Work: ISO 45001:2018
                 for the city of Milan. Lastly Trenitalia acquired EUROLIGHT   Welding Certificate, for railway vehicles and components ac-
                 DUAL locomotives.                                 cording to EN 15085-2, Class CL1
                                                                   Bonding Certificate, DIN 6701-2, Class A1
                 In the locomotive segment, we are continuing the expansion
                 of the new generation of 6-axle locomotives with major orders
                 in Germany, Scandinavia, Spain and Great Britain.

                 In the domestic market, Stadler remains strong as a locomotive
                 supplier with contracts for ADIF, RENFE and private operators
                 either directly or through the leasing company Alpha Trains.
                 The leadership in the passenger vehicle service business is
                 maintained in the Valencian region, Baleares and Catalonia.
                 The contract signed with Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat Valen-
                 ciana (FGV) is for the supply of 16 TRAMLINK and there is
                 the possibility of extending the order by a further 12 vehicles.

                 Development of the complete CITYLINK train-tram platform
                 (diesel, electric, electric MS, bi-mode and battery hybrid).
                 Development and commissioning of several trams of the

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