Page 458 - Anuario FFCC - 2024
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company guide leration and temperature. These data are used to continuously SCP SINTERSA
improve safety and comfort and allow cost-effective mainte-
nance, based on Condition Monitoring Technology. Focused
in a Railway 4.0 concept, Schaeffler has developed a condi-
tion monitoring system for railway sector (CMSR) with intelli-
gent software and a cloud connection for the digitalized mo-
nitoring and optimized maintenance of entire motorized and
trailer bogies in passenger trains. This allows higher average
speeds, greater mileage, and longer maintenance intervals to
be achieved while also increasing operational reliability at the
same time. The operator/maintenance technician can monitor
the condition of individual axlebox bearings through to com- Marqués de Monteagudo, 24
E-28028 Madrid. España
plete wheelsets and bogies from anywhere in the world via Tel.: +34 91 355 60 06
an internet connection. Together with sensorised solutions, Fax: +34 91 725 17 45
through Condition Monitoring Technology and devices, like
and SmartCheck, Schaeffler can measure key engine parame-
ters so an assessment of the equipment status can be obtained
and required repairs can be carried out during scheduled ma- Equipo directivo:
chine maintenance downtimes. Director General: Eduardo García. Director Comercial y de
- Reconditioning of axlebox bearings, irrespective of manufac- Marketing: Guillermo Bravo. Railways Key Account Manager:
turer. This includes all axlebox bearings of cylindrical, spheri- Daniel Cobas.
cal, and tapered roller bearing design for different rail vehicles
such as high-speed trains, street cars, and subways. Actividad: Componentes, Electrónica, Equipos Eléctricos au-
xiliares, Ingeniería y Consultoría.
Top products: COMPONENTS: 1. TAROL bearing in Croma-
dur; service life increased by more than twice. 2. Bearing re- Principales productos y servicios:
conditioning service.
SCP SINTERSA diseña y fabrica componentes y sistemas eléc-
Innovations: tricos / electrónicos para interconexiones profesionales para
*FAG-Wheelset Generator TSS-F, monitoring system for explotación ferroviaria.
freight trains.
*TSS-P, new type of bogie frame monitoring system for pas- Diseño y desarrollo de soluciones de interconexión eléctrica.
senger transport. Axlebox generator. Condition monitoring Fabricación de cableados y subconjuntos electromecánicos.
smart system for railway 4.0. Reformas, modernizaciones y mantenimientos ferroviarios.
Geographic areas where your products and services are mar- FABRICACIÓN:
keted: Spain and Portugal. - Mangueras eléctricas de mando, control y potencia.
- Mangueras de alimentación y potencia para los talleres de
Certifications: mantenimiento.
Quality and Environment: DIN EN ISO 9000, ISO/ TS 16949, - Master controllers de tracción/freno y selección de velocidad
IRIS, ISO OSHAS 18001, ISO 9001. prefijada.
- Cableados de comunicación para señalización y seguridad
- Trenzas de masa.
- Reparación y calibración de herramientas crimpadoras.
- Conectores eléctricos profesionales.
- Fundas de protección mecánica y térmica.
- Faros de led para posicionamiento luminoso de testero.
456 Anuario del Ferrocarril 2024 Spanish Railway Yearbook