Page 455 - Anuario FFCC - 2024
P. 455
Áreas geográficas donde comercializa los productos y ser- improvement of the Huesca – Canfranc line. Ayerbe – Calde-
vicios: arenas section. Execution of the construction project works
Argelia, Colombia, Perú, España, Polonia, Arabia Saudita, for the implementation of the standard gauge in the Mediter-
Emiratos Árabes Unidos, Suecia y Turquía. ranean corridor. Section: Castellbisbal-Murcia. Subsection:
Vinaroz - Vandellós. Track and Electrification. Execution of
Certificaciones: the construction project works for the implementation of the guía de empresas
Calidad, Medio Ambiente, Seguridad y Salud Laboral: ISO standard gauge in the Mediterranean corridor. Section: Ca-
9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001. stellbisbal-Murcia. Subsection: Vandellós – La Boella.
Expansion of the machinery park with the purchase of a uni-
Management team: versal tamper machine Plasser 08-4X4 4S and a Plasser dyna-
Director of Construction: José Luis Letón. Production Mana- mic stabilizer machine DGS Compact capable of working on
ger: Rafael Domingo. Chief. Technical Manager: Miguel An- 3 track gauges (1000-1435-1668), a high-power diesel loco-
gel Prieto. Machine Head: Jorge Gallego. motive along with platforms for transporting materials and bal-
last hoppers, a turnouts laying system PEM-LEM of Geismar,
Activity: Construction of railway infrastructure and track. a metric gauge machinery set consisting by a switch tamping
Maintenance and Other. machine, a profiling ballast machine, a locomotive and ballast
hoppers, and a first category switches tamping machine and
Main products and services: a profiling ballast machine in international and conventional
As a specialist in railway projects, primarily engaged Rover gauge. System for measuring the amount of ballast in the track
Rail both the assembly and the maintenance of way, either profile. Security system for the execution of maintenance ope-
high speed lines, conventional or metric gauge lines. Also in- rations on railway tracks. Platform for monitoring and control
volved in the construction of infrastructure in new develop- of maintenance workforce on the railway lines. Advanced in-
ment, variants of lines in service, track corrections and reno- telligent predictive maintenance system. Development of new
vations. Its areas of activity extend to the entire railway sector, intelligent topographic tools.
including urban rail trams, light rail and metro.
Geographic areas where your products and services are mar-
Top products: MAINTENANCE: 1. Maintenance of Track keted:
Superstructure and Platform. High-Speed Lines and Conven- Algeria, Colombia, Peru, Spain, Poland, Saudi Arabia, United
tional Network. TRACK: 2. Top product 2: Execution of any Arab Emirates, Sweden and Turkey.
project on metric gauge railways lines (Adif RAM, FGC, FGV,
Metro, Euskotren, etc.), even with the use of heavy railway Certifications:
machinery. Quality and Environment: ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS
Activities in the year:
Extension of line 11 of the Madrid Metro. Section: Plaza Elíp-
tica – Conde de Casal. New Access for the integration of high
speed in the city of Valencia, expansion of the Joaquín Sorolla
station. Burying the Barcelona Cercanías line R-2 as it passes
through Moncada i Reixac, Vallbona bypass. Phase 1 of the
intermodal platform in the logistics area of Sagunto, Parc Sag-
unt II. Intermodal station of the TRAM network in Alicante.
Maintenance of infrastructure, track and switches of the Ma-
drid - East high-speed line (Requena and Monforte del Cid
bases). Maintenance of infrastructure, track and switches of
the Antequera - Granada high-speed line. Maintenance of
high speed railway line (AVE) Olmedo-Zamora for a period of
twenty five years (2015-2040).Maintenance of infrastructure
and track of conventional and metric gauge lines. Northeast
Operations Subdirection. Construction project for the integral
Spanish Railway Yearbook 2024 Anuario del Ferrocarril 453