Page 457 - Anuario FFCC - 2024
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la Tecnología en Condition Monitoring, Schaeffler contribuye Management team:
a maximizar así los intervalos de mantenimiento, realizando Managing Director: Valentín Guisasola.
las reparaciones que sean necesarias antes de que se produz-
can las averías. Dispositivos como por ejemplo SmartCheck Industrial Division:
permiten realizar mediciones para determinar el estado de la President: Albert Monera-Llorca. Marketing Manager: Susana
tracción, obtener una valoración de la situación del equipo y Viloria. Sales Managers Business Development: Miguel Ángel guía de empresas
adoptar las medidas correctivas necesarias. Jiménez, Oriol Casals and José Antonio Pastor. Technical Ma-
- Servicio de reacondicionamiento de rodamientos para la nager: Ferran Pérez, Operations Manager: José Miguel Martí-
caja de grasa. Este servicio se ofrece con independencia del nez. Finance Manager: Esther Goenaga.
fabricante del rodamiento e incluye todos los rodamientos de Activity:
la caja de grasa, rodamientos de rodillos cilíndricos, oscilan- In partnership with railway industry manufacturers and ope-
tes de rodillos y de rodillos cónicos, ya sea para cajas de grasa rators, Schaeffler develops bearings for transmission systems,
en trenes de alta velocidad, como para metros y tranvías. traction motors for trains and locomotives, as well as for the
axlebox. In addition to the standard products of the portfo-
Productos estrella: COMPONENTES: 1. Rodamiento TAROL lio, based on the experience at the railway sector, Schaeffler
en Cromadur para aumentar más del doble la duración de develop customized projects and solutions according to the
vida. 2. Servicio de reacondicionamiento de rodamientos. requirements of each customer. Portfolio is rounded with sen-
sorized solutions that enable to gather relevant operation pa-
Innovaciones: rameters’ information and, that can be analized and that result
*El generador para ejes de ruedas TSS-F, sistema de monitori- in an optimized maintenance plan and actions.
zación para el transporte de mercancías.
Main products and services:
*Sistema de monitorización para el bastidor de bogie TSS-P. - Transmission bearings: cylindrical roller bearings, tapered
Generador en las cajas de grasa. Sistema de monitorización roller bearings and four contact ball bearings.
inteligente. - Traction motor bearings: cylindrical roller bearings and cur-
rent insulated deep groove ball bearings to prevent damage
Áreas geográficas donde comercializa los productos y ser- due to voltage passage.
vicios: España y Portugal. - Axle suspension roller bearings: special tapered roller bea-
rings with reinforced sheet metal cages.
Certificaciones: - Axlebox generator: a self-sufficient power supply system
Calidad y Medio Ambiente: DIN EN ISO 9000, ISO/ TS 16949, that is flanged onto the axlebox and can be used as an alter-
IRIS, ISO OSHAS 18001, ISO 9001. native to power supply via the locomotive. It enables a self-
sufficient and highly reliable power supply for a wide range of
functions, such as GPS, condition monitoring, lighting, brake
assistant and activation of hinged doors on hopper cars. The
Description: project has attracted a lot of interest internationally.
Schaeffler Iberia is the subsidiary of the Schaeffler Group in - ELGOGLIDE Maintenance-free spherical plain bearings with
Spain, dedicated to commercialize Luk, INA and FAG brands Corrotect layer and triple lip sealing perfectly match the speci-
in Spain and Portugal. Schaeffler generated sales of appro- fic harsh environmental conditions of the railway sector. They
ximately 15.8 billion euros in 2022. With around 84,000 feature longer service life, longer replacement periods and lo-
employees, Schaeffler is one of the world’s largest family wer TCO in highly corrosive environments.
companies and, with approximately 170 locations in over 50 - INA maintenance-free rod ends, together with INA Metal-
countries, has a global network of manufacturing locations, Polymer composite plain bearings for the track gauge chan-
research and development facilities, and sales companies. ging system.
With almost 1,250 patent applications in 2022, Schaeffler is - Axlebox bearing units FAG Tarol. FAG TAROL X-life bea-
Germany´s fourth most innovative company according to the rings in Cromadur increase more than twice the service life
DPMA (German Patent and Trademark Office). L10. In combination with our reconditioning service, it is pos-
sible to reduce maintenance costs, optimizing LCC and redu-
cing carbon footprint.
- Moreover, Schaeffler has developed optimized bearings for
railway applications with sensors which measure speed, acce-
Spanish Railway Yearbook 2024 Anuario del Ferrocarril 455