Page 453 - Anuario FFCC - 2024
P. 453
Activity: Revenga Smart Solutions offers end to end solutions Telecom networks: fixed: PDH, SDH, DWDM/optical, FTTH/
for the Transport, Telecommunication and Security sectors. GPON; radio: TETRA, GSM-R, CBTC, 4G/5G, WLAN/WiFi,
Wimax, meshed networks, radiant systems.
Main products and services:
1) Railway safety Comms encryption
RailRox: Level Crossing Protection System. SIL-4 radio based Security: video surveillance, access control, passenger coun- guía de empresas
and solar powered level crossing with the following main ters, etc.
features: Low energy consumption, solar panel supply (op-
tional), radio communication between pedals & signals and Activities in the year:
level crossing - delivering cost reduction by avoiding civil
works and cabling-, SIL-4 compliant (UNE-EN50126-1/UNE- AGUTERM+ for Çerkezköy-Kapıkule in Turkey; Ticketing/
EN50128/ UNE-EN50129), customizable according to coun- AFC, traveller information and control systems for L6 Sao Pau-
try railway specifications. lo Metro; 15-year maintenance contract for communications,
level crossings and detection systems across 270 Km in Cen-
RailXcan: integrated and real time rolling stock conditions tral Railway (Uruguay); communications on several commu-
monitoring wayside platform, which collects information re- ter train lines in Madrid; public address in stations and CPD
garding the typical train elements which may affect the normal communications for Metro de Madrid; prototype of broken rail
service operation. detection system for ADIF; station control system, passenger
information system and intercom L-1 Metro de Quito; detec-
Aguterm+: energy saving Switch Heating System. tion systems for several TCDD lines (Turkey); Miranda de Ebro
Hot Box Detectors (ADIF); 300 level crossings in Egypt (ENR).
REINSA: Secure railway telephony.
SmarTube: advance surveillance system, automatic incident
detection (AID) and intervention support in tunnels, based on RailXcan®: real time train-rail inspection solutions (HBD,
infrared vision. WILD, DED, CGDS, PCS, WMS…) including broken rail de-
tection system; RailRox®: smart and efficient SIL-4 Level Cros-
2) Control centers sing Protection System; IPFON GI SIMA: Prison Inmate Com-
munication Management Platform; IPFON + 100 IP Intercom
XThings: Station Control Platform: escalators, lifts, gates or ac- Solutions p3Ip + Interphone; TIPublic: Passenger Information
cess doors, tunnel and station emergency exits, ventilation, fire Management System based on PA and graphic information;
detection, passenger information system, video surveillance. SIL-4 Railway Signal; SmarTube: advanced surveillance sy-
stem for automatic incident detection (AID) and intervention
XThings+: Energy & Power Remote Control Platform. support in tunnels based on infrared vision; ticketing systems
and SAE operating aid systems; passenger counting; Xthings:
OpenITS: Infraestructure & Traffic Control Platform. Real time station control systems both locally (stations) and at control
vehicle detection/classification. centres, real time remote control of lifts, stairs, entrances,
ventilation, fire protection, lighting, public address systems,
OpenSAE: Advanced Fleet Management System. teleindicators, voice and data, CCTV, etc.
3) Passenger Experience/Tolling/Payment Platform Geographic areas where your products and services are mar-
TIPublic: Integral Passenger Experience Platform: security pu- Saudi Arabia, Argentina, Algeria, Belgium, Brazil, Qatar,
blic address, intercoms, info panels, etc. Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Egypt, Spain, France,
Greece, Italy, Macedonia, Morocco, Mexico, Mozambique,
Ticketing/RT2P: Real Time Payment Platform, including on- New Zealand, Panama, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Romania,
board, back office RT2P, access control, etc. Slovakia, Turkey, Uruguay, EEUU and Canada.
4) Telecom/security/cibersecurity Certifications:
Quality, Environment and Safety at Work: Certified by AE-
Spanish Railway Yearbook 2024 Anuario del Ferrocarril 451