Page 463 - Anuario FFCC - 2024
P. 463

*Conceptual development and engineering of mechanical   After the acquisition of TECHNICON DESIGN, gained a strong
               (Pneumatic and Hydraulic) and electrical installations.  experience and know-how in Styling and Virtual models as
               *Conceptual development, engineering and validation (FEM)   part of the global offer of SEGULA in the design of rolling
               of structures (Boxes).                           stock.
               *Collaboration in design of Bogies.
               *Development of electrical diagrams (EDS)        Geographic areas where your products and services are mar-  guía de empresas
               *Ergonomic simulations using specialized software.  keted:
               *Design and calculation of tools for manufacturing.  13 offices in Spain, with presence in others in 30 countries:
               *Signaling Engineering HW & SW (ERTMS, CBTC…)    Germany, Saudi Arabia, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bel-
               *Traction software development.                  gium, Brazil, Canada, China, South Korea, Croatia, Denmark,
               *Systems Consulting services. (Communications, Cybersecu-  United States, Egypt, United Arab Emirates, Slovakia, Spain,
               rity…)                                           France, Hungary, India, England, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan,
               *Verification & Validation Process.              Morocco, Mexico, Poland, Portugal, Czech Republic, Roma-
               *Railways Safety Studies RAMS.                   nia, Serbia, Singapore, Sweden, Switzerland, Tunisia, Turkey.
               *Technical assistant for certification process (TSI Interoperabi-
               lity, National Regulations…).                    Quality Certifications: ISO 9001, ISO 14.001, EN 9100
               *Development of documentary engineering.
                                                                Turnover: 70,000,000 Euros
               Top  products:  ENGINEERING  AND  CONSULTING:  1.  IN-  No. of employees: 1,300
               TERNATIONAL CENTER OF EXCELLENCE in Rolling Stock   Share capital: 1,000,000 Euros
               development: Railway vehicles full projects development. 2.
               INTERNATIONAL CENTER OF EXCELLENCE in Rolling Stock
               development: Development of software for traction.

               Activities in the year:
               Rolling stock engineering development for new products:
               AVEs, EMUs, DMUs, TrenTrams, Trams, Monorails, Meters,
               Trainsets, Locotractors and Locomotives as well as refurbish-
               ment or restyling of existing products.

               Organizational system based on “Core Business Team” that   SELCA, Sistemas Eléctricos y
               ensures the team´s know-how, promoting the control of ac-
               tivities according to degrees of severity and levels of respon-  Cableados, S.L.
               sibility and the active and continuous participation of all its
               members, in search of a common goal “excellence in results. “  Fernán González, 57. 1º izda.
               Attracting new international clients in the railway world with   E-28009 Madrid. España / Spain
               projects developed at the International Center of Excellence   Tel.: +34 91 435 87 88
               located in Zaragoza.                                          Fax: +34 91 400 83 67
               New projects developed by the R&D department of SEGULA:
               GECKO SYSTEM: Integration of seats in the interior panels of
               the tram                                         Equipo directivo: Director-Gerente: Alberto Jiménez. Director
               KATHISNEA SYSTEM: Folding four-seat module for maximum   Técnico: Rafael Rodríguez. Jefa de Administración: Manuela
               capacity for tram                                Calvo. Responsable de Prevención de riesgos laborales: Irene
               Bicycle rack integrable in light trains          Salamanca.

               Three concepts with the same purpose: To adapt the interior   Actividad: Señalización: Instalación y Mantenimientos.
               design according to the need to increase or decrease the num-
               ber of tram users at rush hours.                 Principales productos y servicios:
                                                                Montaje de equipos de señalización y Cableados en general.

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