Page 301 - Anuario FFCC - 2024
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Management team:                                 rolling stock, Responsible for Loading Operations, vehicle
               Chairman and CEO: Alejandro Cisneros Müller.     operator and Cabin Assistant. Non-standard railway training:
                                                                courses for Rail Traffic and Safety personnel of Port Authori-
               Main products and services:                      ties, RAMS… It also offers Customized training services for
                                                                companies in the railway sector.
               Top  products:  TRAINING,  CERTIFICATION,  INSPECTION,                                            guía de empresas
               TESTING LABORATORY: 1. Certification, independent safety
               assessment, training. 2. Testing laboratory.

               Activities in the year:
               ASSOCIATION: Promotion and defense of railways as a mode
               of transport, providing know-how, and spreading rail techno-

               LABORATORY: Notified and Designated Body by the Spa-
               nish state to certify Railway Interoperability by the Directive   CITEF
               (UE) 2016/797 and Circular Resolutions 2/2017 2/2019 and   (Centro de Investigación en Tecnologías Ferroviarias)
               2/2024 by the National Safety Agency; accredited by National
               Accreditation Entity (ENAC) as under UNE-EN ISO/IEC 17065.   C/ José Gutiérrez Abascal, 2
               Independent Safety Assessor (ISA-ASBO): risk assessment       28006, Madrid. España
               (Commission Implementing Regulation  (UE) 402/2013) and       Tel.: +34 910 677 380
               independent assessment of railway safety projects (UNE-EN
               50126, UNE-EN 50128 and UNE-EN 50129), accredited by   
               ENAC as under UNE-EN ISO/IEC 17020. Testing Laboratory:
               Contrast testing, ground reflectance test, lighting test, STI-PA   Equipo directivo:
               test and acoustic test.                          Jose Manuel Mera, Director.

               STANDARDIZATION: Contributes to develop European rail-  Actividad: Ingeniería y Consultoría y Otros.
               way standards as Technical Secretary of the Railway Tech-
               nical Committee AEN/CTN 25, “Railway Applications”, of   Principales productos y servicios:
               the Spanish Association for standardization, AENOR (UNE).   Estudios y desarrollos ferroviarios (Operación, Señalización,
               Moreover, CETREN participates as a member in the following   Energía, Dinámica, Pantógrafo-Catenaria), Simuladores de
               UNE standardization Committees: CTN 203/SC 9X Electrical   Formación (Conducción, Control de Tráfico, Operación y
               and electronic applications for railways; CTN 203/SC 9XA   Mantenimiento), Simuladores para Verificación y Validación
               Communication, signalling and processing systems; CTN 203/  (CCO, ERTMS, CBTC, Automatización, etc.), Formación.
               SC 9XB Electrical, electronic and electromechanical material
               on board rolling stock, including associated software; CTN   Productos  estrella:  FORMACIÓN,  CERTIFICACIÓN,  INVE-
               203/SC 9XC Electric supply and earthing systems for public   STIGACIÓN: 1. Simulador Integral de Conducción, Resolu-
               transport equipment and ancillary apparatus (Fixed installati-  ción de Averías y Operación. INGENIERÍA Y CONSULTORÍA:
               ons); CTN 222 Fuel cell technologies and CTN 181 Hydrogen   2. Estudios y optimización de operación, señalización y siste-
               technologies.                                    mas de energía tracción y media tensión, basados en simula-
                                                                ción con HAMLET.
               TRAINING: Provides all standard railway training courses, as
               well as other non-standard training courses. Standard railway   Actividades en el año:
               training: Train Driving License integrated course to obtain Ca-  ALSTOM  y  METRO  DE  SANTIAGO,  CHILE.  Actualización
               tegory B degree. Railway vehicle driving licenses. Courses to   del Simulador de Conducción y Averías de los nuevos trenes
               obtain and keep the certificates set in Order FOM 2872/2010   NS16 para Metro de Santiago.
               of 5 November and Order FOM 679/2015 of 9 April, which   ALSTOM y METRO DE BARCELONA. Simulador de Conduc-
               amends the former: Driving, Traffic, Infrastructure, Train   ción y Averías de los nuevos trenes 7000 y 8000 para Metro
               Operations, Responsible for maintenance control of railway   de Barcelona.

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