Page 303 - Anuario FFCC - 2024
P. 303

Main products and services:                      SIEMENS, UK. Development of one driver desk for the ERTMS
               Railway studies and developments (Operation, Signaling, En-  Integration Facility of the East Coast Main Line, UK.
               ergy, Dynamics, Pantograph-Catenary), Training Simulators   SIEMENS, UK. Development of visual environment for the
               (Driving, Traffic Control, Operation and Maintenance), Simu-  Northern Line for the ERTMS Integration Facility of the East
               lators for Verification and Validation (CCO, ERTMS, CBTC,   Coast Main Line, UK.
               Automation, etc.), Training.                     WMATA, Washington Metropolitan Area Transport Authority,   guía de empresas
                                                                USA; Training simulator for the 7000 train and the Orange,
               Top products:  TRAINING, CERTIFICATION, RESEARCH:  1.   Silver, Blue, Yellow, Green and Red lines.
               Comprehensive Simulator for Driving, Fault Repair and Ope-  STADLER, Spain. Driver training simulator for the new DM
               ration. ENGINEERING AND CONSULTING: 2. Studies and   Locomotives of KiwiRail, New Zealand.
               optimization of operation, signaling and traction and medium   TMB, Transports Metropolitans de Barcelona, Spain. Mainte-
               voltage power systems, based on simulation with HAMLET.  nance of the comprehensive training simulator for lines 1, 3
                                                                and 5.
               Activities in the year:                          TMB, Transports Metropolitans de Barcelona, Spain. Training
               ALSTOM and METRO DE SANTIAGO, Chile. Update of Dri-  Simulator for OCC operators of lines 1, 3 and 5.
               ving and Faults Simulator for the new NS16 trains for the San-  ELECNOR, Spain. Simulation study of the catenary panto-
               tiago Metro.                                     graph interaction for Vilnius – Klaipéda line, Lithuania.
               ALSTOM and METRO DE BARCELONA, Spain. Driving and   CEFF, Spain. Development of one portable driver-training si-
               Faults Simulator for the new 7000 and 8000 trains for the Bar-  mulator focus on the Spanish Railway Traffic Regulation.
               celona Metro.                                    MEDWAY, Spain. Maintenance of driver-training simulators
               ALSTOM. Simulation study of the operation with ERTMS   for the Spanish Railway Traffic Regulation.
               “Tren Maya” system, Mexico                       TALGO, Spain. Simulation study of the catenary pantograph
               SIEMENS, Spain. Simulation-based test environment of the   interaction for new RENFE high speed trains.
               commuter network of TfNSW Sidney with ERTMS / ETCS Le-  CCR, Brazil. Simulation study of the operation and traction
               vel 2, Australia.                                supply energy of lines 8 and 9 of São Paulo commuter system,
               SIEMENS, Spain. Simulation-based test environment of the   São Paulo, Brazil
               Metro Nagpur line 2 CBTC system, India.          CCR, Brazil. Comfort and running quality evaluation of ines 8
               SIEMENS, Spain. Simulation study of the operation with CBTC   and 9 of São Paulo commuter system, São Paulo, Brazil
               of Mexico Metro Linea 1, STC, Mexico.            CAPTRAIN, Spain. Development of two driver-training simu-
               SIEMENS, Spain. Simulation-based test environment of the Ju-  lators for the Spanish Railway Traffic Regulation for its training
               rong line CBTC system, Singapore Metro.          center in Tarragona.
               SIEMENS, Spain. Simulation-based test environment for inter-  TRANSFESA, Spain. Maintenance of driver-training simulators
               locking and control center of Estonian Railways, Estonia.  for the Spanish Railway Traffic Regulation.
               SIEMENS, Spain. Training simulator for drivers and OCC ope-  MARINI, Italy. Development of ERTMS Level 2 testing envi-
               rators of the Blue Line with CBTC system, Lisbon Metro, Por-  ronment based on Simulation
               tugal.                                           AOPJA, Public Works Agency of Andalucia Regional Govern-
               SIEMENS, Spain. Simulation-based test environment for inter-  ment, Driver training simulator for the Granada Metro, Spain.
               locking and control center of Metro de Madrid lines 2, 3, 4, 5,
               7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12, Spain                    Innovations:
               SIEMENS, Spain. Simulation study of the operation with CBTC   Operation
               of Bangalore Metro, India.                       Driving assistance system for energy saving: ECOs
               SIEMENS, Spain. Simulation study of the operation with CBTC
               of Metro São Paulo line 6, Brazil.               Maintenance
               SIEMENS, Spain. Simulation study of the operation of São Pau-  Methodology for early failure detection of axlebox bearings
               lo CPTM lines 8 and 9, Companhia Paulista de Trens Metropo-
               litanos, São Paulo, Brazil.                      Training simulators
               ENYSE, Spain. Simulation-based test environment for the ERT-  Integration of simulators with Moodle platform
               MS Level 2.
               METRO DE MADRID, Spain. Maintenance of the driving   Geographic areas where your products and services are mar-
               and faults simulators of the 8000/8400 series, 3000 series,   keted:
               7000/9000 series and Light Rail.                 Europe, Latin America, USA, Asia and Australia.

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