Page 299 - Anuario FFCC - 2024
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Certificación del Sistema de Gestión de Calidad bajo la Norma Top products: TRAINING, CERTIFICATION, RESEARCH: 1.
ISO 9001:2015 y EN 9100:2018 para el Sector Aeroespacial. Instrumented Wheelsets for Wheel-Rail Contact Forces Y/Q
Certificación del Sistema de Gestión Medioambiental bajo la Measurement. 2. Structural testing.
Norma ISO 14001:2015.
Certificado de Ensayos No Destructivos EN 9712:2023. Activities in the year:
CETEST has performed tests for manufacturers like CAF (Ren- guía de empresas
Facturación: 13,7 millones de euros fe Alpino commuter, SNCF regional, DEMU Australia, Lisboa
tram, Essen LRV), ALSTOM (Sydney Metro, Amtrak NGHTS,
RRTS, Metro Perth), STADLER (ARST Sardinia, Bern Tramlink),
Management team: tional EMU), among others. CETEST has also tested special
General Manager: Asier Jauregi. Technical Director: Lara Ervi- machinery for PLASSER & THEURER and MATISA, operators
ti. Commercial Director: Eva Martínez. like EUSKOTREN or AMTRAK, or certification entities like
CERTIFER or engineering companies like TCDD TEKNIK.
Activity: Engineering and Consulting, Other (Testing).
Geographic areas where your products and services are mar-
Main products and services: keted: All over the world.
CETEST is an independent and accredited testing test and ana-
lysis centre, specialized in railway sector. Its activity is cen- Certifications:
tered on validating and approving new train designs or train Accreditation as Testing Laboratory according to UNE-EN/ISO
modifications. It also provides test and consultancy services - IEC 17025:2017.
in this field. Certification of Quality Management System according to ISO
CETEST provides a flexible and tailor-maid service to its cu- 9001:2015 Standard. Specific certification for aerospace sec-
stomers, including train and equipment manufacturers, train tor according to EN 9100:2018 Standard.
operators, certification bodies and infrastructure managers. Its Certification of Environmental Management System according
testing and consulting services cover all the value chain: R+D, to ISO 14001:2015 Standard.
design, certification and operation in service. Certification of Non-Destructive Tests EN 9712:2023.
With more than 40 years of accumulated experience in rail-
way sector, our test services cover a wide range of activities. A Turnover: 13.7 million Euros
summary of these is presented below:
- Structural resistance and fatigue of bogie frames and bolsters,
both in test bench and on-track.
- Structural resistance and fatigue of components and subas-
semblies, both in test bench and on-track.
- Validation of wheels, axles, wheelsets
- Validation of gearboxes and axle boxes
- Vehicle dynamics on test bench: stationary tests.
- Vehicle dynamics on track (including instrumented wheel-
- Current collection quality: contact forces assessment, arcs
measurement, uplift.
- Acoustics
- Vibrations including modal analysis
- Aerodynamics
- Climatic tests
- Energy consumption & regeneration
- Electromagnetic compatibility: track circuit and axle counter
compatibility tests, Field radiated EMI, exposure to magnetic
- Traction and brake performance.
Spanish Railway Yearbook 2024 Anuario del Ferrocarril 297