Page 297 - Anuario FFCC - 2024
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uso urbano, material rodante suburbano y regional  Main products and services:
               EN 14813-1/2 Aplicaciones ferroviarias. Aire acondicionado   Metalworking and Transportation Technology Center (CETE-
               para cabinas de conducción                       MET) was established in 2007 as a non-profit foundation. The
               EN 13129 Aplicaciones ferroviarias. Aire acondicionado para   center is governed by a private foundation, made up of 15
               el material rodante de grandes líneas.           trustees, among which are companies in the railway sector
                                                                (CAF and ALSTOM), institutions belonging to the Administra-  guía de empresas
               Igualmente,  está especializado  en el  desarrollo  de material   tion (Junta de Andalucía and University of Jaén) and business
               rodante ferroviario mediante ingeniería concurrente a través   associations, among others.
               de su filial, CETEMET ENGINEERING SL, focalizada en este
               ámbito.                                          Its mission is to support the technological development of the
                                                                metalworking and transportation sectors, at a national level, to
               Productos estrella: CERTIFICACIÓN: 1. Certificación de siste-  improve their competitiveness.
               mas de climatización en material rodante ferroviario. INGE-
               NIERÍA Y CONSULTORÍA: 2. Desarrollo de material rodante   It is currently approved by the Ministry of Science, Research
               ferroviario; diseño, simulaciones y configuración.  and Universities as a National Technological Center accor-
                                                                ding to Royal Decree 2093/2008 and as an Official Laboratory
               Actividades en el año:                           for carrying out the ATP (Agreement Transport Perishable) test
               Certificación de los sistemas de climatización  de los sigui-  by the Ministry of Industry.
               entes proyectos: UT21 BIRMINGHAM, METRO BRUSELAS,
               TRANVÍA LUND, TRANVÍA ÁMSTERDAM, METRO ÁM-       CETEMET has ENAC 17025 Accreditation as a laboratory for
               STERDAM, DB F073, F070, METRO DOCKLANDS, TRANVÍA   the Certification of air conditioning systems in railway rolling
               JERUSALÉN, MEDIA Y LARGA DISTANCIA AUSTRALIA, ME-  stock, being the only one with this scope at the national level:
                                                                - EN 14750 Railway applications. Air conditioning for urban
               Ingeniería de producto en diversos proyectos: Tel Aviv, metro   use, suburban and regional rolling stock
               Australia, etc.                                  - EN 14813-1/2 Railway applications. Air conditioning for dri-
                                                                ving cabins
               Áreas geográficas donde comercializa los productos y ser-  - EN 13129 Railway applications. Air conditioning for rolling
               vicios:                                          stock of large lines.
               Certificación: Zaragoza
               Ingeniería y Consultoría: internacional          Likewise, it is specialized in the development of railway rol-
                                                                ling stock through concurrent engineering through its subsi-
               Certificaciones:                                 diary, CETEMET ENGINEERING SL, focused on this area.
               Calidad y Medio Ambiente:
               ISO 9001 Sistema de Gestión                      Top products: CERTIFICATION: 1. Certification of air con-
               ISO 14001 Medio Ambiente                         ditioning systems in railway rolling stock. 2. ENGINEERING
               UNE-EN ISO/IEC 17025 Requisitos generales para la compe-  AND CONSULTING: 2.  Development of railway rolling
               tencia de los laboratorios de ensayo y calibración.  stock; design, simulations and configuration.

               Facturación: 7M€
               Nº de empleados: 80                              Activities in the year:
                                                                Certification of the air conditioning systems of the following
                                                                projects: UT21 BIRMINGHAM, BRUSSELS METRO, LUND
                                                                TRAM, AMSTERDAM TRAM, AMSTERDAM METRO, DB
               Management team:                                 F073, F070, DOCKLANDS METRO, JERUSALEM TRAM, ME-
               President: Patricio Lupiáñez Cruz                DIUM AND LONG DISTANCE AUSTRALIA, MEDIUM AND
               General Manager: Ángel David Fraile Marín        LONG DISTANCE FRANCE.
               Rail Labs Manager: Fº Javier Maroto Camacho
                                                                Product engineering in several projects: Tel Aviv, Australia
               Activity: Certification, Engineering and Consulting.  metro, etc.

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