Page 290 - Anuario FFCC - 2024
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company guide  Áreas geográficas donde comercializa los productos y ser-  facilities, pathology studies, Health&Safety coordination, and

                 España (13 delegaciones), Bolivia, Brasil, Chile, Colombia,
                                                                   Top products: ENGINEERING AND CONSULTING: 1. cem-
                 Costa Rica, Ecuador, India, México, Nicaragua, Panamá, Perú
                                                                   BOX Building Platform: Digital Twin for energy efficiency in
                 y Portugal.
                                                                   buildings. 2. cemBOX Infra Platform: Digital Twin oriented
                                                                   Civil Infrastructure Asset Management Platform.
                 Sistemas de Gestión de la Calidad,  según UNE EN ISO
                 Sistemas de Gestión Medioambiental,  según UNE EN ISO
                                                                   Some of the main and most representative railway activities
                                                                   during 2023 and previous years are listed as follows.
                 Sistema de Gestión de la Seguridad y Salud en el trabajo,   Activities in the year:
                 según ISO 45001:2018.                             Railway infrastructure design: *Consultancy and Technical As-
                 Sistema de Gestión de la I+D+i, según UNE 166002:2021.   sistance for the control and monitoring of works and actions on
                 Organismo Notificado (nº1377) por el Ministerio de Industria   the Monforte del Cid-Murcia high-speed line. Management of the
                 y está acreditada por ENAC para la certificación en el ámbito   commissioning of high-speed lines. *Removal of level crossings
                 del Marcado CE de más de 100 productos de construcción   on the Córdoba - Málaga line (ADIF) *Revision, adaptation and
                 (nºOC-P/141). Además, todos los laboratorios de CEMO-  construction project for pedestrian and vehicles bridge on the
                 SA están inscritos en el Registro General de Laboratorios de   Madrid-Sevilla line at m.t. de Lora del Río (ADIF) *Consultancy
                 Ensayos de Control de Calidad en Edificación y Obra Civil   services for the project of the suppression of the pedestrian level
                 (LEcce) según RD 410/2010.                        crossings of Camí de Ca na Dolça in Verge de Lluc (Palma) and
                                                                   Sa Farinera (Marratxi) of the Mallorca railway service network
                 Facturación: 61,02 millones de euros              *Renovation of the track at Aboño station, Port of Gijón *Draf-
                 Nº de empleados: +1000                            ting of projects for the removal of level crossings on line of the
                 Inversión en I+D: 2 millones de euros             conventional network in Orense-Monforte-Lugo (ADIF) *Project
                                                                   for the removal of level crossings on the La Encina-Valencialine
                                                                   (Benifaió,Valencia) *Due Diligence for light rail in Barranquilla
                                                                   (Colombia) *Feasibility study for railway access to Container area
                 Management team:                                  in the Port of Buenaventura (Colombia) *Consulting services to
                 Chief Executive Officer: Luis Jiménez Redondo. National Of-  carry out the process of due diligence, intervention plans and
                 fices Manager: Francisco Ureña. International and Civil En-  integral structuration: technical (including designing), financial
                 gineering Manager: Agustín Bonillo García. R&D Manager:   and legal of the central transport terminal, commuting stations
                 Noemi Jiménez Redondo. Building Engineering Manager: José   and massive transport system APM, which includes passenger
                 Moriana Pericet. Construction Materials Laboratory Manager:   stations, approximately 19 km in the municipiality of Rionegro
                 Manuel Salas Casanova. Geotechnics Manager: Isidro Ocete   (Colombia) *Metro stations at Line 17 (Sao Paulo, Brazil): Con-
                 Ruiz. Health&Safety Manager: Cristina Cobalea Medina. Chief   gonhas and Campo Belo, *Railway stations at CPTM Line 13 (Sao
                 Financial Officer and IT Manager: Andrés Céspedes Ortega.  Paulo, Brazil): Airport station, CECAP and Eng. Goulart. *Morro
                                                                   da Suade tunnel at coastal recovery Project for Olimpic Games
                 Activity: Engineering and Consulting.             (Prefeitura de Rio de Janeiro, Brazil).

                 Main products and services:                       Site supervision, Health, and Safety Coordination in railway
                 Centro de Estudios de Materiales y Control de Obra, S.A.   works: *Health and Safety Coordination during the execution
                 (CEMOSA) is an engineering  consultancy and quality con-  of works on high-speed lines in the North and Northwest of
                 trol company in the field of construction. The main business   Spain (Valladolid-Asturias). * Consultancy and Technical Assi-
                 areas are: Transport Infrastructures (railways, roads, airports   stance for the control and monitoring of the works and actions
                 and ports), Building, Materials Quality Control, Geothecnics,   on the Monforte del Cid-Murcia High Speed Line. Manage-
                 Certification, Sostenibility, Health and Safety and R&D. The   ment of the commissioning of High-Speed Lines. *Quality and
                 services offered in the field of Railway Infrastructures are: fea-  Healthy&Safety audit of platform construction works at high-
                 sibility studies, geotechnical studies, detailed designs, Project   speed line Bobadilla-Granada (Andalusia, Spain) *Civil works,
                 Management, work direction, topography, material quality   acoustic attenuation, and drainage repair at high-speed line
                 control, technical and environmental site supervision, testing   León-Asturias (Variante de Pajares) (Spain).

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