Page 285 - Anuario FFCC - 2024
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Innovaciones: 1. Safety training and consulting department. 2. Railway dri-
Simuladores ERTMS y ASFA DIGITAL para cada una de nues- ving and circulation simulators for train driver training and
tras sedes- plataforma formación online – Departamento For- ERTMS / ETCS and ASFA DIGITAL simulators.
mación y Consultoría en Seguridad Operacional
Activities in the year:
Áreas geográficas donde comercializa los productos y ser- More than 300 training activities approved by the State Agen- guía de empresas
vicios: cy for Railway Safety for more than 1.500 workers in the rail-
MADRID (Central): Paseo de las Delicias, 65 - oficina 8, way sector.
28045 Madrid What is more, we also provide all types of training related to
MADRID: C/ Juana Doña 18, 28045 Madrid the railway sector: train drivers, signalling, safety, electrifica-
BILBAO: C/ Bruno Mauricio Zabala 17; 48003 Bilbao (Viz- tion, infrastructure and track, rolling stock, railway environ-
caya) ment, railway transport management, etc.
MÉRIDA: Centro Comercial El Foro, oficina 37. Avda Portugal
nº 7 06800 Mérida, Badajoz Innovations:
OURENSE: C/ Rua López Ferreiro 4, 32001 Ourense Development of ERTMS simulators for each of our locations
OVIEDO: Centro Cívico Comercial, oficinas 18 y 19. C/ Con- and start-up of our online platform.
cepción Arenal, s/n, 33005 Oviedo
SEVILLA: C/ Astronomía 1 -Torre 2 Planta 9º, Of.13-14, Par- Geographic areas where your products and services are mar-
que E. Torneo, 41015 Sevilla keted:
SEVILLA: C/ Astronomía 1 -Torre 4 Planta 2º, Of. 11, Parque MADRID (Central): Paseo de las Delicias, 65 - oficina 8,
E. Torneo, 41015 Sevilla 28045 Madrid
VALENCIA: C/ Millares 7, 46007 Valencia MADRID: C/ Juana Doña 18, 28045 Madrid
ZARAGOZA: Pasaje de El Vado 18, 50014 Zaragoza BILBAO: C/ Bruno Mauricio Zabala 17; 48003 Bilbao (Viz-
TERRITORIO NACIONAL MERIDA: Centro Comercial El Foro, oficina 37. Avda Portugal
Así mismo, CEFF posee un acuerdo de colaboración con ADIF nº 7 06800 Mérida, Badajoz
que le permite alcanzar cualquier punto en el territorio nacio- OURENSE: C/ Rua López Ferreiro 4, 32001 Ourense
nal para disponer de instalaciones homologadas para impartir OVIEDO: Centro Cívico Comercial, oficinas 18 y 19. C/ Con-
formación ferroviaria, permitiendo adaptarse a las necesida- cepción Arenal, s/n, 33005 Oviedo
des de los clientes en toda España. SEVILLA: C/ Astronomía 1 -Torre 2 Planta 9º, Of.13-14, Par-
que E. Torneo, 41015 Sevilla
Certificaciones: ISO 9001:2015 SEVILLA: C/ Astronomía 1 -Torre 4 Planta 2º, Of. 11, Parque
E. Torneo, 41015 Sevilla
VALENCIA: C/ Millares 7, 46007 Valencia
ZARAGOZA: Pasaje de El Vado 18, 50014 Zaragoza
Management team:
CEO: Francisco Marín de la Cruz. General Manager: Juan Ma- ACROSS SPAIN
nuel Rivas Mena. In the same way, CEFF has signed a collaboration agreement
with ADIF (Spanish Public Administrator of Spanish Railway)
Activity: Railway-Training and specialized railway consultan- which allows it to use officially recognised facilities throug-
cy. hout Spain to offer training for railway systems, thus allowing
the company to adapt to the needs of clients throughout the
Main products and services: country.
Approved railway training: driving qualifications for train
drivers (licence, diploma, certificates), railway infrastructure Certifications: ISO 9001:2015
authorisations, specialised training: ERTMS, electrification,
rolling stock, Occupational Risk Prevention, customised and
online technical courses, OEP training for ADIF. National and
international railway consultancy.
Spanish Railway Yearbook 2024 Anuario del Ferrocarril 283