Page 291 - Anuario FFCC - 2024
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Quality Control for railway infrastructure: *Material quality   ba (Colombia) *Technical and administrative supervision of
               control of Line 1 of Metro de Ciudad de Panamá (Panama)   Public Private Partnership (PPP) Cambao-Manizales (Colom-
               *Material quality control of Lines 1 and 2 of Metro de Málaga   bia) *Consultancy services for the elaboration of the feasibility
               (Spain) *Material quality control of track construction of High   study of the roads: Phalodi–Nagour, Beawar–Gulabpura, Be-
               Speed Train in the North corridor (Spain).       awar–Pisangan, Arai–Sarwar, Kuchaman-Renwal–Kishangarh,
                                                                Talanpur - Dhanapa -Kawaspura (India).           guía de empresas
               Activities in other fields of transport engineering: Some acti-
               vities in other transport engineering fields are listed as follows.  Innovations:
                                                                CEMOSA is a Founding Member of the European iniciative
               Airports: *Project Management Construction of South Termi-  “Europe’s Rail  Joint Undertaking” through the ‘European
               nal, Tocumen International Airport (Panama). *Masterplans   Smart Green Rail Joint Venture’ (eSGR JV) consortium, led
               for Pacifico area (Colombia) *Field flight Anadarko Moçambi-  by CEMOSA. CEMOSA was already an Associated Member
               que Area 1 Monzanbique Lng (Mozambique) *Design Wide-  of Shitt2Rail JU (predecessor of Europe’s Rail). CEMOSA’s
               ning Taxiway echo. International Airport Sangsters – Montego   participation in these European initiatives is the result of the
               Bay (Jamaica) *Designing of the different actions (flight fields,   company’s strategic CEMOSA’s participation in these Euro-
               control tower, SEI, urbanisation and accesses, water networks,   pean initiatives is the outcome of the strategic commitment
               automatic system for baggage) in the International Airport of   of the company with Research and Innovation activities in the
               Palmerola (Honduras) *Design of the terminal building and ta-  field of railway infrastructures. Being a member of Europe’s
               xiway extension at International Airport “El Dorado” (Bogotá,   Rail Joint Undertaking ensures CEMOSA’s enrolment in inter-
               Colombia) *Contract for the design, construction, operation,   national research projects dealing with railway infrastructures
               and maintenance of the infrastructure of the International Air-  as far as 2027 and consolidates the company long term strate-
               port Rafael Núñez, Cartagena (Colombia) *Supervision and   gic railway research agenda. In the Europe’s Rail initiative, CE-
               conditioning of the gates h-6, h-7, and h-8 in the airport of   MOSA is involved in 2 projects (IAM4RAIL and RAIL4EARTH).
               Palma de Mallorca (Spain) *Extension of the terminal building   In the project “IAM4RAIL Holistic and Integrated Asset Ma-
               of the Sevilla Airport *Supervision of the conditioning works in   nagement for Europe’s RAIL System”, works on the imple-
               the platform. Phase II – Airport of Lanzarote (Spain).  mentation and demonstration of intelligent maintenance tools
                                                                for civil engineering asset management. On the other hand,
               Roads: *Health and Safety Coordination during the execution   in the project “RAIL4EARTH Europe’s Rail Flagship Project
               of works on State Roads: Castilla y León Oriental, Castillas   4 - Sustainable and green rail systems” CEMOSA works on
               y León Occidental, Andalucía Oriental, Andalucía Occiden-  the implementation and demonstration of energy digital twins
               tal, Asturias and La Rioja. *Technical Assistance to the site   of railway stations (lighting, HVAC and scheduling) and fle-
               management of the construction project for the upgrading   xibility mechanisms to create energy hubs for future energy
               of the Nudo Norte. BIM management in the construction   markets.
               phase (Madrid City Council). *Urbanisation project for the
               infrastructure improvement plan for the Torreblanca del Sol   Within the Shift2Rail Initiative, CEMOSA takes part in five
               urbanisation (Fuengirola) *Expansion and extension of Calle   projects. In “Research into enhanced tracks, switches and
               Golondrinas including a 330 m bridge in Fuengirola (Mála-  structures” (IN2TRACK, IN2TRACK2 and IN2TRACK3), CE-
               ga) *Study and design of the section of the road to Nanzal   MOSA develops models and design tools for the validation
               and of the vehicular and pedestrian bridge over the river   of the new components in the track and the development
               Chame, Chame District (Panama) *Consultancy for feasibility   of dynamic behaviour models for bridges in order to ana-
               studies, Integral structuring and strategy for the construction   lyse the performance of the structure. CEMOSA also deve-
               and promotion of a specialized logistic infrastructure (ILE) or   lops new environmentally sustainable support layers for bal-
               logistic platform within the northeastern expansion zone of   lastless tracks, underwater auscultation equipment for bridge
               the city of Buenaventura (Colombia) *Design and construction   pile inspections and structural analysis under a probabilistic
               for the upgrading of the roads of the Mesa district, Veraguas   approach. Moreover, CEMOSA participates in  IN2SMART
               (Panama).*Works supervision at Highway SE-40, South Ur-  e IN2SMART2: “Intelligent Innovative Smart Maintenance
               ban Ring Road of Coria del Rio - Almensilla (Seville, Spain)   of Assets by integrated Technologies”, where they colla-
               *Works supervision at Castilblanco viaduct over García Sola   borate in the design of advanced algorithms for the detec-
               reservoir, road CN-502 Avila-Córdoba (Badajoz, Spain) *Road   tion of failure and the assessment of degradation in railway
               intervention program for the equity Invias (Colombia) *Works   components using data analytics techniques. CEMOSA also
               supervision at K15 road from Tierralta to San Pedro de Ura-  developed and designed a general framework for decision

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