Page 267 - Anuario FFCC - 2024
P. 267
Facturación: 717 millones de euros tion overhead contact line and the Sagrera AV station track
Nº de empleados: 12:500 assembly construction project’.
Technical assistance services for the control and supervision
of works on the construction project for track renewal on the
Ciudad Real-Badajoz line. Section: Brazatortas-Guadalmez.
Management team: Consultancy and assistance contract for the control of the guía de empresas
CEO: José Luis Manzanares Abásolo. Chief Operations Of- works for the construction project for the platform of the new
ficer: Rosalío Alonso. Chief Markets Officer Engineering: Mari- southern railway access to the port of Castellón. Section I
sa Chabaneix. Chief Service Officer Engineering: Luis Garrido. (0+000 - 4+698).
Technical assistance services for the control and supervision
Activity: Engineering and Consulting, Other. of the works for the complete renovation of infrastructure and
track. Section: 96+430 - Calañas. Zafra-Huelva line.
Main products and services: Consultancy and assistance contract for the control of works
Studies and designs (transport plans, feasibility studies, con- on the platform construction project for the Palencia-Aguilar
cept, preliminary and detailed designs) de Campoo high-speed railway line. Section: Calahorra de
Project management and Construction supervision. Boedo - Alar del Rey.
Testing and commissioning Consultancy and assistance contract for the control of works
Operating and maintenance of underground rail infrastructu- on the construction project for the extension of two tracks and
res a platform at Puerta de Atocha and Atocha cercanías stations:
Digital Engineering effects on the IIS due to the installation of new tracks 16 and
Top products: ENGINEERING AND CONSULTING: 1. Design General Consultancy for the RRTS Delhi-Meerut high-speed
of Rubí Line of Oporto Metro. 2. Supervision and design ser- train.
vices for Tren Maya. Construction project for the duplication of the Antequera - An-
tequera - Granada high-speed railway line. Archidona fork -
La Chana fork section.
Activities in the year: Construction project for track and electrification associated
Railways: with the covers of the suburban railway tunnel in Sant Andreu
Design of the electrification of the Estonian railway network. Comtal. Barcelona.
Project Management of the Dhaka - Tongi line, Tongi-Joydeb- Track assembly construction project for the Murcia - Almería
pur section in Bangladesh. high-speed railway line. Section: Murcia - Lorca San Diego.
Construction supervision of line 86 on the Czernica Construction project for track assembly and electrification of
Wrocławska - Wrocław Główny section for CPK (Central Air- the modification of the link between the Zamora - Pedralba
port Communication HUB). and Pedralba - Ourense sections and lifting of the Pedralba
Comprehensive supervision of the Regiotram del Occidente switch.
in Colombia. Construction project for track assembly of the Murcia-Almeria
Sections 1 (supervision), 2 (design), 5 North, 6 and 7 of the High Speed Railway Line. Section: Lorca Almeria
Tren Maya (supervision) in Mexico. Basic and construction design of a maintenance base for the
Technical assistance services for the control and monitoring Lorca-Almeria section of the Murcia-Almeria high-speed rail-
of the execution works for the platform construction project way line.
for the Vitoria-Bilbao-San Sebastián high-speed railway line. Construction project to adapt the León - San Andrés del Raba-
Section: Mondragón-Elorrio-Bergara. Sector 1. nedo section to the new configuration of the León - Asturias
Technical assistance services for the control and supervision high-speed line on the León - Pola de Lena section.
of the execution works of the construction project for the rail- Construction project for the implementation of standard gauge
way access to the Port of Sagunto. at Irún station. Track and electrification.
Technical assistance services for the control and supervision Infrastructure improvement projects (bridges, tunnels and le-
of the works contained in the renovation and improvement velling). Lot 4. South Tunnels.
projects for the superstructure of the Madrid - Seville high- Projects to repair and/or improve non-structural mason-
speed railway line. ry walls on conventional and metric gauge lines. Lot 1: SW
Consultancy and technical assistance services for the control North-West
of works on the ‘construction project for the Sagrera AV sta- Study of alternatives and construction project for crossings
Spanish Railway Yearbook 2024 Anuario del Ferrocarril 265