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company guide  Cercanías Valencia. Tramo: Pobla Llarga-Silla. Renovación de   The company has played an important role in the development

                 infraestructura, superestructura y electrificación. España.
                                                                   of High-Speed Railway in Spain, having worked on more than
                                                                   490 km of different HSR lines, since works started in 1987 on
                 Renovación vía Línea Norte. Tramo Ovar-Gaia. Portugal.
                                                                   the first line, which linked Madrid and Sevilla in 1992.
                 Trabajos de vía, catenaria y retorno de corriente de tracción
                                                                   Besides HSR projects, also of note are the numerous conven-
                 Línea Norte. Tramo: Pampilhosa-Gaia. Portugal.
                                                                   tional  railway projects  aimed  at improving  existing railway
                 Áreas geográficas donde comercializa los productos y ser-
                                                                   Azvi also has extensive experience in the execution of all ty-
                 Chile,  Colombia,  Costa  Rica,  México,  Noruega,  Paraguay,
                 Portugal, Rumanía, Serbia, España, Estados Unidos y Uruguay.
                                                                   Top products: TRACK: 1. Sleepers factory in Mexico. ROL-
                                                                   LING STOCK: 2. Rolling Stock Maintenance Centre. ELECTRI-
                 Certificaciones:                                  pes of infrastructure associated with the railway.
                 Implantados y certificados por Aenor los Sistemas de Gestión   FICATION: 3. Ispalvia.
                 de BIM (ISO 19650, partes 1 y 2), Calidad (ISO 9001), Medio
                 Ambiente (ISO 14001), Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo (ISO   Activities in the year:
                 45001), Antisoborno (ISO 37001) y Compliance penal (UNE   Railway projects:
                 19601).                                           Tren Maya. Section 3: Clakini-Izamal, Mexico.
                                                                   Tren Maya. Section 5 Sur B: track assembly, México
                 Facturación: 995,1 MM€                            Tren Maya. Workshops and garages construction, México.
                 Nº de empleados: 6.812                            Tren Maya. Sleepers factory construction and operation,
                 Inversión en I+D+i: 1,5 MM€                       México.
                                                                   Isthmus of Tehuantepec Railway. Line K. Section: Ixtepec-
                                                                   Ciudad Hidalgo, México.
                                                                   Isthmus of Tehuantepec Railway. Line Z. Section: Puerto Sali-
                 Management team:                                  na-Medias Aguas, México.
                 General Manager: Roberto Gallardo Fernández-Díez. Strat-  Chamartín Railway Station. Iberian gauge track and platforms
                 egy Director: Juan Jesús García de Pablo. Civil Works Direc-  upgrade. Spain.
                 tor: Carlos Puebla Montalvo. Railway Works Director: César   Chamartín Railway Station. Station extension, platforms and
                 Domínguez González-Seco. Building Department Director:    UIC track bed, Spain.
                 Pablo Reiter Fernández. Bid Manager: Rebeca Rodríguez.   HSR Madrid-Sevilla. Infrastructure upgrade. Section: Guadal-
                 Technical Director: Juan Pérez Torres. Innovation Director:   mez-Córdoba. Spain.
                 Domingo Perez. Latam Director: José María Martínez Bena-  Zafra-Huelva Railway Line. Infrastructure and track upgrade.
                 vente. Scandinavia Manager: José Manuel Fernández Torres.  Section: Calañas-Peguerillas. Spain.
                                                                   HSR Madrid-Extremadura. Section: San Rafael-Cuarto de la
                 Field:                                            Jara. Spain.
                 Railways and civil works, logistics, railway transport, railway   HSR Plasencia-Badajoz. Infrastructure,  Track and Turnout
                 heavy machinery maintenance and railway electrification sy-  Maintenance. Mérida and Cáceres Bases.
                 stems installation and maintenance.               HSR Lines. Infrastructure, Track and Turnout Maintenance:
                                                                   HSR Madrid-Sevilla; HSR Córdoba-Málaga; HSR Madrid-Bri-
                 Main products and services:                       huega (Brihuega and Calatayud Bases). Spain.
                 Throughout more than 100 years of activity, Azvi has accumu-  Valencia  Commuter Network.  Section: Pobla  LLarga-Silla.
                 lated extensive experience, technical capacity and solvency to   Infrastructure, superstructure and electrification upgrading.
                 successfully execute all kind of railways and civil construction   Spain.
                 projects.                                         Conventional Railway Lines: Infrastructures, Track and Inci-
                 Azvi’s origins as a railway company have turned the company   dence Treatment Plan. Lot F.3 and Lot D.2. Spain.
                 into a key player in the railway sector with extensive expe-  South and West railway zone (Oslo y Østfold) and Flåmsbana
                 rience in the complete cycle of railway infrastructure: infra-  railway line preventive and corrective maintenance, Norway.
                 structure, superstructure, electrification and signaling, assem-  Old Ulriken railway tunnel rehabilitation, Norway.
                 bly bases and maintenance works (preventive and corrective).   Arna-Bergen railway project. Section: Arna-Fløen. Track and
                 In addition, Azvi has its own railway heavy machinery park   installations. Norway.
                 and its approved workshop to maintain and repair it.  Northern Line rehabilitation. Section: Ovar-Gaia. Portugal.

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