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company guide Management team: Certifications:
Quality and Environment:
ArcelorMittal has implemented its own systems, the Certified
Environmental Management System according to the interna-
Chairman and CEO: Lakshmi N. Mittal.
tional standard ISO 14001 and the System of Quality Assuran-
CMO (Chief Marketing Officer) Rails & Special Sections: Vic-
ce according to ISO 9001, a further step to improve the orga-
tor Ruiz Piñeiro.
nization and increase the quality of our products (Certificate
Field: Track and Other.
of Registration ER-030/2/92 issued by AENOR). ArcelorMittal
Spain, Poland and Luxembourg.
Main products and services:
ArcelorMittal as a leading rail producer, supplying rails
ArcelorMittal develops Rails and Special Sections under the
for railways, subways, tram, light tracks, crossings, crane rails has achieved ResponsibleSteel™ certification for its mills in
and rail components etc. With production facilities in Gijon following the main International Standards as Euronorm,
(Spain), Dabrowa Gonizca and Chorzow (Poland), and Ro- ASCE, AREMA, AS, GOST, etc. and under the particular speci-
dange (Luxembourg) that combines long experience with fications of its customers.
a high technological level, allows us to supply a rail of excel-
lent quality, capable of meeting the present and future needs Moreover, ArcelorMittal is homologated in the main Railway
of the most demanding users. Administrations, and does not stop working on enlarging
the list all around the world: Homologated by DB (Germa-
Top products: TRACK: 1. High-Speed Rails. 2. R&D Rail Ex- ny), ADIF (Spain), FINNISH RAIL (Finland), REFER (Portugal),
cellence Centre. 3. New Rail Tool App. 4. RailCor® a new SNCF (France), SNCB (Belgium), OBB (Austria), SBB (Swit-
range of Corrosion Resistant Rails. zerland), MRS (Brazil), ADIF (Argentina), TCDD (Turkey),
PKP (Poland), AFER (Romania), NETWORK RAIL (UK), Czech
Activities in the year: Republic (SZDC), Saudi Arabia (SRO, SAR), Denmark, Israel,
ArcelorMittal has launched XCarb®, as part of the company South Africa and many more.
commitment to reduce CO2 emissions by 35% by 2030 in
Europe, with a further ambition to achieve net zero by 2050. Turnover: 68.3 million Dollars
XCarb® will bring together all low carbon products and steel- No. of employees: 127,000
making activities, as well as wider initiatives and green inno- R&D investment: 299 million Dollars
vation projects.
ArcelorMittal has a dedicated R&D Rail Unit with pilot plants
and different prototyping facilities for developing new rail mill
processes and products. ArcelorMittal leads the efforts to con-
tinuously improve rail steel production by studying on-track
real performance, its hardness and wear behavior to fatigue
including weldability; highlighting the design, modelling and
testing of the prototypes of CHHR line, and designed and built ARDANUY INGENIERÍA, S.A.
different equipment to support rail process like advanced te-
sting and in-use properties (twin-disk and real size Rolling Avda. de Europa, 34 - Edificio B
Contact Fatigue Bench). In addition, there is a pilot welding E-28023 Madrid. España
plant with: aluminothermic welding equipment, heat treat- Tel.: +34 91 799 45 00
ment furnaces and specific rail recharge or repair equipment, Fax.: +34 91 799 45 01
among others.
Geographic areas where your products and services are mar-
keted: Rails and Special Sections manufactured by Arcelor- Otras oficinas:Barcelona, Valencia, Sevilla, Tenerife.
Mittal are exported all over the world. Vilnius (Ardanuy Baltic)
Nueva Delhi (Ardanuy India)
Bogotá (Ardanuy Colombia)
260 Anuario del Ferrocarril 2024 Spanish Railway Yearbook