Page 258 - Anuario FFCC - 2024
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company guide Rolling stock renewal: Interlocking:
24 AVE SERIES 100. Interior renewal, adaptation.
Smartlock 200 and Smartlock 300. Over 100 sets of equip-
ment in operation.
6 AVE SERIES 101. Train adaptation of S101 to S100.
Chamartin station.
Commuter cars RENFE S-446 and S-447. Adaptation of acces-
sibility for disabled people. 165 cars.
Urban signalling:
10 AVE SERIES 100 – RENFE. AVE adaptation for operation on
the high-speed line linking Spain and France.
Barcelona Tramway.
24 AVE SERIES 100. Car R2 adaptation from preference layout
Madrid Tramway.
to tourist layout.
AVE SERIE 100. Prototype WIFI installation.
Malaga and Madrid Metro.
Train-tram Chiclana-San Fernando.
Trains maintenance: Madrid Light Rail Control centre.
Recoletos Tunnel (Madrid suburban line).
Suburban trains S446, S450, S451, S447, S470 y Civia– Renfe.
Very high-speed trains and high-speed trains Avant (S102, Infrastructures:
S104 y S114) and Ave S100, S112, S130/730 - RENFE.
High-speed locomotives S252 – RENFE. Tramway systems in Barcelona, Granada, Parla, Jaen, Murcia.
Freight locomotives S253 – RENFE. Civil protection and safety facilities - Tunnels in the high-
Citadis tramways in Barcelona, Madrid and Murcia. speed line Orense-Santiago.
Barcelona tramway S9000 – TMB. Catenaries for the high-speed line Madrid-Segovia-Valladolid,
Traction chains S121, S120 and S120.050 – ACTREN. Chinchilla- Almansa and Medina del Campo-Salamanca, the
Irvia y BTren (JV Alstom-Renfe). commuter tunnels from Barcelona, line 9 in Barcelona metro,
Automatic system maintenance APM of Madrid Airport Adolfo various commuter lines in Mallorca and the conventional Bar-
Suárez. celona line.
Energy Management system S102/112 y S130 of Renfe. Substations for the high-speed network: Madrid-Zaragoza-
Barcelona-Frontera Francesa and Cordoba – Malaga and Ma-
Signalling: ERTMS drid - Levante.
Maintenance of electrification facilities in high-speed lines.
ERTMS level 2 for the high-speed line Albacete-Alicante. Rail maintenance and catenary of Renfe Integria workshops.
ERTMS level 2 for the high-speed Northwest corridor (Valla-
dolid-León-Burgos). Top products: SIGNALLING: 1. CBTC for Metro de Málaga.
On-board equipment for high-speed trains S100, TAV S104, ROLLING STOCK AND TRACTION EQUIPMENT: 2. High
S114, AVRIL G3, CIVIAS, TALGO MECCA-MEDINA - 239 Capacity Coradia for Renfe. 3. Metropolis trains Series 7000
board equipment in service. and 8000 for Metro de Barcelona. MAINTENANCE: 4. Health
On-board equipment ETCS/ERTMS level 2 baseline 3) for Hub - Maintenance Digital Services.
ADIF auscultation trains (Seneca and BT).
On-board equipment (ETCS/ERTMS level 2 baseline 3) for Geographic areas where your products and services are mar-
Renfe suburban trains. keted:
Third rail - ERTMS level 1 Zaragoza-Huesca, Girona-Figueres, Present in more than 60 countries.
Castellbisbal–Can Tunis and Castellbisbal/Papiol-Mollet San
High-speed line Madrid-Levante (Alpera variant).
OPTIFLO for Metro de Madrid and rail network of Adif, IP,
REFER, Metro de Oporto, Metro de Barcelona, Metro do Porto
(Portugal), Metro de Bilbao and Metro de Sevilla.
Barcelona Commuter wayside signalling maintenance (Roda-
lies) L’Hospitalet de Llobregat – Mataró.
256 Anuario del Ferrocarril 2024 Spanish Railway Yearbook