Page 257 - Anuario FFCC - 2024
P. 257

Alstom Trains - Range of rolling stock:          way equipment throughout its life cycle, whether it has been
                                                                manufactured by Alstom or by third parties: maintenance, re-
               Metros                                           novation, management of spare parts, support and technical
               Tramways                                         assistance.
               Commuter trains
               Regional Trains                                  Infrastructure and turnkey systems: Alstom offer a complete   guía de empresas
               High and Very High-Speed Trains                  range of solutions for rail installation, automatic people mo-
               Locomotives                                      ver, electrification and electricity supply for all types of rail-
               100% automated People Mover                      way networks, and supply of all electromechanical equipment
                                                                for lines, stations and workshops. Alstom is a leader in Spain
               Signalling solutions: Alstom Spain’s railway signalling, and   in substations 2x25 kV and rail catenary high-speed. The
               safety business unit has about 1000 technicians and engine-  company has participated in the execution of almost all sub-
               ers dedicated to developing and implementing signalling and   stations on high-speed lines in Spain. Alstom Spain has also
               safety solutions. With over 100 years in our country, the engi-  participated in installing and maintaining security systems in
               neering centre and the technology laboratories in Madrid run   most tunnels on Spanish high-speed networks.
               innovative projects for the domestic market and exports. In
               addition, Alstom Spain has two excellence centres worldwi-  Turnkey systems: The increasing complexity of projects lead
               de which supply railway signalling and safety and passenger   operators to seek global answers to their needs. Alstom com-
               information.                                     bines  all  its  expertise  as  a  multi-specialist  manufacturer  to
                                                                manage complete railway systems: rolling stock, signalling,
               Signalling systems, control, Safety and Communication for:   infrastructure, and services...

               Long-haul, regional and commuter services.
               Urban and suburban systems.
               High-speed lines.                                REFERENCES ALSTOM SPAIN
               Light railway trains and tramways.
                                                                Main references in Spain:  Rolling Stock
               Signalling, security and communication systems range:
                                                                Barcelona, Madrid, Tenerife, Murcia, Parla, Jaen, Murcia, Va-
               Conventional signalling systems.                 lencia and Alicante tramways.
               Interoperable European signalling system: ERTMS.  Barcelona and Madrid metros.
               Protection system ATP / ATO.                     Commuter trains for FGC (S213 and S113) and Renfe (CIVIA
               CBTC system.                                     I, II, III and IV).
               Automatic driving system.                        High-speed trains/Shuttles S104 and S114) – RENFE.
               Lateral conventional signalling products.        Traction chain S121, S120 and S120.50– RENFE.
                                                                Very high-speed trains S100– RENFE.
               Surveillance systems and passenger information for all kinds   Regional trains ALARIS S 490 – RENFE.
               of lines and trains                              Adaptation of the fleet of commuter trains in Valladolid to im-
                                                                prove accessibility - Client RENFE.
               Digital mobility:                                APM  (Automated  People  Mover)  Aeropuerto  Adolfo  Suárez
                                                                Madrid-Barajas. 100% Automatic People Mover 100% bet-
               Digital Passenger solutions.                     ween T4 and T4S.
               Connectivity.                                    Propulsion system 91 HST AVE S102, AVE S112 and AVE
               City mobility and multimodality.                 S130/730 Renfe.
               IoT.                                             Propulsion and control system Metro de Madrid 650 units (Se-
                                                                rie 2000-B, Serie 5000 2ª y 4ª and Serie 6000).
               Services and maintenance (rolling stock and infrastructures):   The propulsion system for regional trains S112&213 of Ferro-
               As pioneers in the maintenance and renovation of rolling   carrils de la Generalitat de Catalunya.
               stock, Alstom offers various customized services to public and   Propulsion and control system Metro Bilbao S500&550.
               private rail operators. The aim is to ensure an optimized, safe   Propulsion system 100 freight loc S253 of Renfe.
               and global management of the rolling stock and other rail-

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