Page 349 - Anuario FFCC - 2023
P. 349

Excelente.                                       commuter train station (Madrid).
                 Certificado del sistema de Gestión Medioambiental:
                 Certificado  AENOR para ISO-14001 (desde 1998),   Activities in the year:
                 verificación gases efecto invernadero verificado por
                 AENOR (última verificación 2021), Memoria de     Below, a selection of some of the largest projects in
                 sostenibilidad verificada por Aenor (última verificación   execution.                           guía de empresas
                 Certificado de Prevención de Riesgos Laborales:   > Railways
                 Certificado SGS para ISO 45001 (desde 2020,
                 anteriormente OHSAS 18.001:1999).                RER3 Go Expansion On-Corr Project. Toronto - Ontario
                 Certificación del servicio de I+D+i: certificado AENOR   (Canada).
                 conforme a la norma UNE 166002 (desde 2007).     Mega-project for a complete renovation of the GO
                 Certificación del sistema de Gestión de la Seguridad de   TRANSIT system, commuter rail in the Greater Toronto
                 la Información: certificado  AENOR conforme a la ISO   Area (GTA). It covers the renewal and extension of the
                 27001 (desde 2007).                              existing rail infrastructure including electrification, supply
                 Certificación de relaciones de trabajo colaborativas:   of railway rolling stock, and maintenance and operation
                 certificado AENOR según norma UNE ISO 44001 (desde   of the network for 25 years.
                                                                  Railway contracts in Romania (Romania). Rehabilitation
                 Cifra de negocio: 1.966,9 millones de euros.     of the Brasov railway line - Simeria section Sighisoara -
                 Contratación: 6.586,0 millones de euros.         Atel. Rehabilitation of the Brasov railway line - Simeria
                 Ebitda: 122,8 millones de euros.                 section  Atel - Micasasa. Rehabilitation of the railway
                                                                  line between the border with Hungary - Curtici - Simeria
                                                                  (Romania)  section  2B:  Barzava  -  Ilteu.  Rehabilitation
                                                                  of the railway line close to Hungary - Curtici - Simeria
                 Description:                                     (Romania) section 3: Gurasada – Simeria.  Upgrading
                 FCC Construction leaders in infrastructures      of the Caransebes-Timisoara-Arad railway line: section
                 FCC Construccion is a company specialized in large   Lugoj-Timisoara Est. Renovation of the Cluj-Episcopia
                 infrastructure projects throughout the world. FCC   Bihor line: section Alesd-Poieni.
                 Construccion belongs to FCC Group, whose main
                 lines of business are environmental services, water and   Modernization of the Western Line, Mira Sintra / Meleças
                 infrastructures. With more than 120 years of experience,   –  Caldas  da  Rainha  section,  between  km  20+320  and
                 FCC Construcción is among the top construction   107+740. Subsection B: Torres Vedras-Caldas da Rainha
                 companies in the world.                          (Portugal).
                                                                  The main actions are the rectification of some curves
                 Management team: Managing Director: Pablo Colio Abril.  on the railway layout, the electrification of the line,
                                                                  and interventions in 6  stations and  3 halts, with the
                 Main products and services:                      creation of passenger docks with minimum lengths
                 Civil works (metro, bridges, roads, railway works, ports,   of 150 m and technical rooms to accommodate the
                 airports, water treatment plants, transport terminals ...),   command  and  control  equipment  for  circulation  and
                 building (residential and non-residential), industrial and   telecommunications.
                                                                  Access to La Sagrera Station. The works consist of the
                 Top products: TRACK: 1. RER3 Go Expansion On-Corr   execution of the access sections to the future La Sagrera
                 Project.  Toronto - Ontario (Canada).  2.  Construction   Station  and  the  two  lines  Villafranca-Maçanet  and
                 of the freight terminal of the railway complex and   Vilanova-Mataró, which will be placed between screens
                 its connection with  Valladolid’s new arterial railway   in the lower level of the same, as well as the platform
                 network. 3. Modernisation of the Mira Sintra-Meleças-  where  the Madrid-Barcelona-French  border high-speed
                 Torres Vedras section of the Linha do Oeste (Portugal).   line will be located, which is available over the previous
                 OTHERS: 4. Improvement of evacuation and ventilation   ones. The layout of the commuter tracks is depressed at
                 conditions in the event of fire in the Sol underground   the entrance of the station and returns to ascend to the

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