Page 344 - Anuario FFCC - 2023
P. 344

company guide  control, mando y señalización e infraestructura, conforme a   Main products and services:
                  CENELEC 5012X y a los reglamentos 402/2013 y 2015/1136.
                                                                    RAMS: Safety management and demonstration according
                                                                    to CENELEC UNE EN 5012X standard, performing all Safety
                  Estudios RAM de sistemas de control, mando y señalización,
                                                                    related tasks during whole Project lifecycle (Safety plans,
                  energía y comunicaciones en diversos proyectos ferroviarios.
                  Desarrollo de software crítico y de actividades de V&V del
                                                                    PHA, Safety Case...). Consultancy (Safety Management System
                                                                    implementation, Training, counselling, iESM…)
                  sistema RBC para sistema ERTMS/ETCS L2 y para controlador
                                                                    Cybersecurity: development of the new Cen-Cenelec Railway
                  de zona de sistema CBTC. Diseño videográfico estaciones para
                  Red  Convencional. Pruebas  y puesta  en  servicio de  diversas
                                                                    Application Cybersecurity standard (based on Cen-Cenelec
                  instalaciones ferroviarias en Red Convencional y Alta Velocidad.
                                                                    TS 50701 & IEC 62443) IEC/TC9 PT 63452 to assist Railway
                  Soporte para la integración y diseño de enclavamientos
                                                                    with the standard. Coaching in implementing the standard.
                  electrónicos. Coordinación de trabajos de instalación y
                  mantenimiento de instalaciones ferroviarias (convencional, Alta
                                                                    Coordinating Cybersecurity in Railway projects, Cybersecurity
                  Velocidad y Metro). Planificación y seguimiento de diversos   RU & IM, Industrials with Cybersecurity activities aligned
                                                                    risk & architecture design, Cybersecurity evaluation &
                  proyectos de señalización ferroviarios (Alta Velocidad y Metros).  process alignment to the cybersecurity standards. Expleo is
                                                                    developing activities in various EU and international Transport
                  Innovaciones:                                     Cybersecurity communities.
                  “Expleo Innovation Factory”: Design to Cost, Digitalization,   Independent Safety Assessment (ISA) Expleo Iberia, S.L.U. is an
                  Data utilization, Intelligent Systems, Factory of the Future,   Inspection Body entity accredited by ENAC with accreditation
                  Software DEV, Cloud, Cybersecurity, Data, Hyperautomation,   number 286/EI490.  The accreditation scope includes
                  IoT & Edge-computing, Digital  Twin,  AR/VR, Predictive   Independent Safety  Assessment performance according to
                  Maintenance                                       CENELEC 5012X and 402/2013 & 2015/1136 EU Regulations.
                                                                    RAM: Reliability, Availability and Maintainability predictions
                  Áreas  geográficas  donde  comercializa  los  productos  y   and surveys of electronic and mechanic systems (MTBF, MTTR,
                  servicios: A nivel mundial.                       λ, LCCA…), using such techniques as RBD, FTA, ETA, FMEA,
                                                                    FMECA. Reliability improvement studies: FRACAS.
                  Certificaciones: ISO 9001:2015, ISO 9100:2016, ISO 17020.  Critical Software Development: Generic and specific SILX
                                                                    application support covering all lifecycle phases of the
                  Facturación: 1300 millones de euros.              CENELEC 5012X standard. From operational requirements to
                  Nº de empleados: 17 000 en más de 30 países.      validation and commissioning of the different elements of the
                                                                    signalling systems for Mainline and Mass transit lines (ERTMS,
                                                                    CBTC, IXL, TMS).
                                                                    Integrated  Logistic  Support  (ILS):  Lifecycle cost analysis
                  Description:                                      (LCC), Maintenance Engineering (preventive, predictive and
                  A new breed of technology partner, Expleo Group cover the full   reliability centered maintenance - RCM -studies). GMAO
                  cycle with end-to-end integrated engineering, quality services   implementation. Data mining and decision-making aid system.
                  and management consulting for digital transformation.  Manufacturing Engineering: Expertise in different areas: work
                  Our mission is to help businesses harness technological   preparation, Industrial Process Design, Lean and Methods Time
                  change to successfully deliver innovations, helping them gain   Measurement (MTM).
                  a competitive advantage and improving the lives of people   Mechanical  and  Electrical  Engineering:  Design,  calculation
                  around the globe. Expleo is active in technology-intensive   and simulation of mechanical elements and systems (carbodies,
                  sectors as Aerospace, Automotive, Transportation, Banking and   bogies, rolling, interiors, HVAC…), composites, effort analysis
                  Financial services, Defence, Energy and Utilities, Naval and   and fatigue calculations. Electrical design and wiring activities.
                  many more.                                        Project Management and Quality Assurance: Comprehensive
                  With an annual invoicing of 1,3 billion euros and 17,000   Management Service for projects, integration, technical
                  employees, we have presence in more than 30 countries.  assistance and documentation support.

                  Management team:                                  Top products: 1. ENGINEERING AND CONSULTING: RAMS/
                  COO: José Liaño. Director BU  Transport, Manufacturing   Critical Software Development SIL4. 2. SIGNALLING:
                  &  Technology: Miguel Muñoz. Responsable de Recursos   Independent  Safety  Assessment  (according  to  CENELEC
                  Humanos: Gustavo Hornos.                          5012X and 402/2013 EU regulation).

                  Activity:  Engineering and Consultancy  in Technology  and   Activities in the year:
                  Industrial Markets.                               Safety Management in different, domestic and foreign, High-

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