Page 341 - Anuario FFCC - 2023
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línea Torrelavega-Santander (Adif); línea Sagunto-Teruel (Adif); human capital, track record and relationship with the Cobra IS
línea Mataporquera-Bárcena (Adif); línea Guillarei-Tui (Adif); railway companies make it capable of offering also a wide range
Señalización y Electrificación de la línea Salamanca-Fuentes of systems and services including Signalling but also power,
de Oñoro (en UTE con SEMI, para Adif). telecoms or the maintenance of all electromechanical systems
along any type of railway line - conventional, freight or high
Innovaciones: speed.
- Prototipo para la mejora de la protección de los guía de empresas
cruces de vía entre andenes para viajeros, respondiendo al reto Main products and services:
de ADIF para los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible. Safety solutions and telecommunication systems for railway
applications. EiS23 electronic interlocking. ENYSIC Centralized
- Enyse ha lanzado el proyecto EUROTRACKS. Traffic Control. Systems for control of tramway lines. E-300
Propone soluciones tecnológicas innovadoras para integrar protection systems for level crossings. SCADA and maintenance
los diferentes elementos que se instalan en vía, a la vez que centralization systems. LED-type wayside signals. Integration
facilita la interoperabilidad ferroviaria y el cumplimiento de la and maintenance services.
Especificación Técnica de Interoperabilidad (ETI) de Control,
Mando y Señalización. Top products: SIGNALLING: 1. EiS23 Electronic Interlocking
System. 2. Integrated Systems of Centralized Traffic Control
Áreas geográficas donde comercializa los productos y (ENYSIC).
servicios: España, América Latina (Chile, Brasil, México,
Argentina); Norte de África y Oriente Medio (Argelia, Egipto, Activities in the year:
Turquía, Arabia Saudita), Asia Pacífico. Awards: Signalling and Telecoms for the Villabona-Gijón/
Calzada section (Adif); Electrification sections control for Adif
Certificaciones: North East área (JV with CYMI); AV Camera-based Object
Calidad: Certificado ISO 9001:2015 nº ES114135-1 Bureau Detection System, DOCAVA (Adif); Signalling and Telecoms for
Veritas. the Monreal-Sagunto section (Adif); Signalling and Telecoms for
Medio Ambiente: Certificado ISO 14001:2015 nº ES114134 -1 the Laviana-Tuilla section (JV with Telice, Adif); New electronic
Bureau Veritas. interlocking for Vicálvaro Clasificación (Dragados/TECSA JV for
Seguridad: Certificado ISO 45001:2018 nº ES123754 -1 Adif); Signalling for the North East section of Madrid commuter
Bureau Veritas. network (Atocha-Guadalajara, Adif); Maintenance of Signalling
Compliance: Certificado ISO 37001:2016 nº ASO 2019/0039 system at Rancagua, Talca and Concepción (EFE, Chile).
Work in progress: Signalling and interlocking for Oviedo
Nº de Empleados: 185 station, Upgrade of Signalling at 6 stations of the metric gauge
Inversión en I+D: 7% de la facturación network, Maintenance services of the Power SCADA System
Cifra de negocio: 38.000 (en miles de euros) of all conventional lines (in consortium with SICA, for Adif),
Signalling and telecomms systems of lines 4, 6, 8 and the new
Line 10 of Metrovalencia (in consortium with Electrans, for
FGV), Signalling and electronic interlocking for Machado´s
Management team: Depot in Valencia (FGV), Torrelavega-Santander line (Adif),
General Manager, José Luis Domingo; Business Development Sagunto-Teruel line (Adif), Mataporquera-Bárcena line (Adif),
Director for Spain and Chile, Leopoldo Olea; Operations Guillarei-Tui line (Adif), Signalling and Electrification for the
Director, David Sanz; R&D Director: Celestino Martínez-Ten; Salamanca-Fuentes de Oñoro line (in consortium with SEMI,
Engineering Director: Miguel Ángel Morales; International for Adif).
Business Development Director, Javier Quijada; Human
Resources Director, Marisa Montero. Finance Director: Carmen Innovations:
Serrano. - Prototype for improvement of track-crossing
protection for passengers, following Adif challenge - Sustainable
Activity: Development Goals.
Enyse is a Signalling company belonging to the Cobra Industrial
Services (Cobra IS) division of the Vinci group. Enyse has the - Enyse has launched the development of
ability to work in all phases of a project, from conception and EUROTRACKS. The project proposes an innovative
design to manufacturing and maintenance of Safety installations, technological solution for the different elements installed on
both for proprietary and subcontracted technologies. Enyse´s the track through integrated infrastructure management whilst
Spanish Railway Yearbook 2023 Anuario del Ferrocarril 339