Page 352 - Anuario FFCC - 2023
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company guide  -   Formación práctica en manejo de maquinaria   -   Infrastructure: Work Manager, Traffic Safety Pilot,
                  (carretillas, plataformas, puente grúa, retroexcavadora,
                                                                    Infrastructure Machinery Operator, Validations, Authorization
                                                                    Recoveries, Recycling, Vehicle Scope Extensions.
                  manipuladora telescópica, pórtico grúa, ….)
                         Formación presencial a medida de cualquier área
                                                                           Train Operations: Maneuver  Vehicle Operator
                         Formación  on  line:  contamos  con  un  amplio
                                                                    (OVM), Train Operations  Assistant (AOT),  Cargo Operations
                                                                    Manager (ROC), Cabin Assistant (ACB) and Recycling
                                                                           Railway Driving: Railway Driving License and
                  Productos estrella: FORMACIÓN, SELECCIÓN: 1. Formación
                                                                    Railway Driving Diploma.
                  en  Habilitaciones  Ferroviarias  y  Títulos  de  Conducción
                                                                           Circulation:  Head  of  Circulation,  Circulation  and
                  Ferroviaria.  2.  Formación  en  PRL  y  cursos  técnicos  para
                                                                           Electrification: Basic Electrification, Power Outage
                                                                    Electrification, Substations, Area Extensions and Recycling.
                                                                           ADIF Technical Instructions
                  Actividades en el año:                            Recycling Assistant.
                  Actividades en 2023:                              -      ORP training and technical courses for companies
                  Más de 800 alumnos formados en las diferentes habilitaciones   -   Training in the  Telco area:  Telco Electrical Risk,
                  ferroviarias.                                     Telco Operations, Telco1 and Telco2 Heights, Confined Spaces,
                  ForAvant es el centro de formación con más porcentaje de   Recycling Telco1, Telco 2, Confined Spaces.
                  aprobados en los exámenes de ADIF. Nuestros cursos están   -   ORP training approved agreement TPC and TPM
                  diseñados  para  facilitar  al  alumno  un  óptimo  aprendizaje,   -   Legionella and Phytosanitary official training: initial
                  ofreciendo apoyos con numerosos videos, tutorías, repasos,   legionella, legionella 1st and 2nd legionella update, basic and
                  prácticas en vía, ofreciendo una oferta formativa profesional   qualified phytosanitary.
                  contrastada de máxima calidad, incluyendo preparación del   -   Practical training in handling machinery (forklifts,
                  examen práctico.                                  platforms, bridge crane, backhoe, telescopic handler, gantry
                  Prueba  de  ello,  es  la  confianza  que  depositan  cada  vez   crane....)
                  más empresas contratando de nuestros servicios de manera   -   Face-to-face training tailored to any area
                  continuada y de los excelentes resultados en los exámenes   -   Online training: we have an extensive catalogue.
                  de ADIF obteniendo un 90% de aprobados tanto en el teórico
                  como en el examen práctico en todas las habilitaciones.  Top  products:  RAILWAY  TRAINING and SELECTION: 1.
                                                                    Training in Railway Qualifications and Railway Driving Titles.
                  Áreas  geográficas  donde  comercializa  los  productos  y   2. ORP training and technical courses for companies.
                  Todo el territorio Nacional.                      Activities in the year:
                  Centros con cursos habituales: MADRID, BARCELONA,   Activities in 2023:
                  VALENCIA, SEVILLA,  ALICANTE, BURGOS, PALENCIA,   More than 800 students trained in the different railway ratings.
                  ORENSE.                                           ForAvant is the training center with the highest percentage
                                                                    of passes in the  ADIF exams. Our courses are designed to
                  FORAVANT posee un acuerdo de colaboración con ADIF para   facilitate optimal learning for the student, offering support with
                  el uso de espacios, instalaciones y medios para la formación,   numerous videos, tutorials, reviews, on-track practices, offering
                  lo que nos permite adaptarnos a las necesidades de nuestros   a proven professional training offer of the highest quality,
                  clientes en todo el territorio nacional.          including preparation for the practical exam.
                                                                    Proof of this is the trust placed by more and more companies
                  Certificaciones:                                  hiring our services on an ongoing basis and the excellent
                  Sistema de Gestión de Calidad ISO 9001:2015       results in the ADIF exams, obtaining a 90% pass rate in both
                                                                    the theoretical and practical exams in all ratings.

                                                                    Geographic  areas  where  your  products  and  services  are
                  Management  team:  General  Manager: Jose  Antonio  Cárabe   marketed:
                  Álvarez.                                          The entire national territory.
                                                                    Centers with regular courses: MADRID, BARCELONA,
                  Activity: Specialized railway training and consultancy.  VALENCIA, SEVILLA,  ALICANTE, BURGOS, PALENCIA,
                  Main products and services:
                  -      Training in Railway Qualifications:        FORAVANT has a collaboration agreement with ADIF for the

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