Page 253 - Anuario FFCC - 2023
P. 253

audio channels (10 channels) transmitted through the Ethernet   During 2014 - 2023 the projects and highlights for  ACTIA
               network.                                          platform integration contracts have been:
               - VOD Platform: Development and manufacture of a content   - Tram Tallinn
               management platform (Movies, Music, Press, Information)
               where the user has access to the contents of the platform using   - Tram Freiburg
               or individual monitors (if any) or its completion (telephone,   - Tram Budapest
               Tablet, PC) personal.                             - Sydney Tramway                                guía de empresas
                                                                 - Metro Chile
               Video  surveillance. The CCTV systems allow to record the   - Metro Chile NS-74
               activity of the interior of the train (audio and video) associating   - Kazakhstan
               these records with events in the form of metadata (stops, alarms,   - Tram Sheffield
               geographical position data, speed records, etc ...). Some of the   - Metro Istanbul
               most representative teams in this area are:       - Tram Cagliari
                                                                 - Tram Utrecht
               -  Video cameras: In  different formats and  models, with   - Tram Saint Etienne
               interchangeable optics (from 2 mm to 8mm) with HD and FULL   - Tram Luxembourg
               HD resolutions.                                   - Paris Metro.
               -  CCTV Recorder: Developed to meet the standards of the   - Platform Xo5 (New Citadis)
               railway sector, scalable to provide it with the storage capacity   - Remodeling 6 Series
               required by the project (from 500 Gb to 24 Trb)   - Tram Canberra
               -  Black  Box:  Video, audio or data recorder. Developed in   - Tram Newcastle
               compliance with the standards of EN 50155 and IEEE 1482.1  - Tram Amsterdam
                                                                 - Metro Bruselas
               Retrovision system. The retrovision systems allow to visualize   - Project RERng
               the external activity of the train and associating this system with   - Tram Lijn
               the video surveillance we can also record this activity. Some of   - Tram de Vitoria
               the most representative teams in this area are:   - Tram de Mauritius
                                                                 - Metro Amsterdam
               - Retrovision cameras: Different developments and mechanical   - Tram Lund
               configurations, all of them fulfilling the necessary requirements   - Tram Atenas
               to be installed on the outside of the vehicle.    - Tram Frankfurt
               -  Rear view screen: Development and manufacture of rear-  - Tram Oslo
               view screen in different sizes (9 “, 10.4” and 12.4 “).  - Project SISVE RATP
                                                                 - Metro Barcelona
               Train-Earth communication. ACTIA develops various HW and   - Tram Birmingham
               SW solutions for Train-Earth communication systems, using Wi-  - Tram Liege
               Fi or cellular solutions as a means of communication and / or   - Tram Parramatta
               integrating with the train´s radio. Also integrating SIP solutions   - Tram Lieja
               or different communication protocols in the room intercoms.  - Tram Birmingham
                                                                 - Egipto
               Top projects:                                     - Tram Jerusalem
               - Tren Maya - Mexico’s long-distance train in partnership with   - Tram Angers
               the State of Mexico.                              - MF19
               - TW20 - New trams for the T1 line in Île-de-France.  - Tram Casablanca
                                                                 - CPTM L8 & L9
               Top  products:  AUXILIARY ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT:  2x42’’   - Tren Maya
               dynamic line map.                                 - Renfe Gran Capacidad
                                                                 - Sídney Enlargement
               Activities in the year:                           - Tramway Tel Aviv
               Activities between 2014 – 2023. Consolidation of design,   - Tramway Budapest extension
               development and implement platforms passengers Information,   - Tramway Antwerp
               Entertainment, Video surveillance, and Communications over   - Tramway Paris – TW20
               IP architectures.                                 - Canberra II

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