Page 248 - Anuario FFCC - 2023
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company guide Levante high-speed line, on the stretch to Murcia and the and internationally by supporting the sector and with the
installation and maintenance of the protection, security and
involvement of its more than 80 associates.
telecommunications systems in the Pajares tunnel continue to
Among the most significant projects developed by the HUB
be carried out.
we highlight the “Standardization of Hyperloop systems”,
the “Implementation of the BIM methodology in the railway
In the United Kingdom, work on the Safer Faster Isolations
sector” or the “Station of the future”.
project has been completed for NWR, to minimize electrical
risk during network maintenance.
Rail breakage detection, BIM tool and Alis Project
For Amey in the UK, the Wales & Borders project continues,
as well as catenary engineering activities on the following
projects: Route Section R2P, Route Section RS2THT. Treherbert
trials of these innovation projects in the railway area, obtaining
satisfactory results. It is currently in process of protection of
to Trehafod, Route Section RS0CTL. Ninian Park to Radyr and In the last year, Abengoa has continued to carry out tests and
Route Section RS1ABD Aberdare to Pontypridd. results and commercialization of the developed systems.
Also for Amey, the development of Civil Engineering for the Specifically, Rail Breakage is a rail break detection system that
traction substation in the Action Lane project. works on high-speed lines in real time. This system is the only
one in the world capable of detecting breaks and identifying
For Integrum, also in the United Kingdom, the development of them in real time for railway infrastructures.
civil and electrical engineering for energy storage centers within
the Akira and Shilton projects, as well as the development of The BIM (Building Information Modelling) tool has been
electrical engineering for gas consumption control centers. conceived for the automated three-dimensional design of
catenaries and railway traction substations. The software is
In France, for Société nationale des chemins de fer français in advanced process and is expected to be ready during the
(SNCF), we continue to work on the execution of traction present time.
substation projects, including the regeneration of the Malain
substation. About the Alis project, it is a comprehensive simulation tool that
allows simulating electrification, safety and energy efficiency
In Lithuania, for Lithuanian Railways (LTG), within the scope systems in railway systems. The company continues to carry out
of the electrification project for the Vilnius-Klaiped railway simulation work and commercialization of results in markets
corridor, there have been notable advances in the development such as Saudi Arabia, the United Kingdom and Spain for such
of project engineering, in the purchase of a large part of the important railway clients as Adif, Network Rail or the Saudi
strategic equipment and the railway machinery necessary Railway Organization, among others.
for the execution, as well as the execution of the Lentvaris
Substation has begun. Geographic areas where your products and services are
marketed: Spain, United Kingdom, France, Lithuania, rest of
In Saudi Arabia, for Saudi Arabia Railways (SAR), the Europe, Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates.
maintenance contract for the electrification infrastructure of the
Meca-Medina high-speed train continues, in which Abengoa Certifications:
participated as one of the members of the Spanish consortium Quality and Environment:
that built the project. (i) Quality: ISO 9001 certification for more than 20 years. Pecal
/ AQAP 2110 certification for the defense sector and certificate
Innovations: of conformity of factory production control for the execution of
Abengoa has continued its work on numerous innovation steel structures (CE Certificate).
projects in the railway area during 2021. Below, we detail some (ii) Health and Safety: ISO 45001 Certification, before OSHAS
of them. 18001, for more than 15 years.
(iii) Environment: ISO 14001 certification for more than 20
The Railway Innovation Hub years.
Since 2016, Abengoa has participated in The Railway
Innovation Hub, a railway cluster based in Malaga of which No. of employees: 9,971 (Abengoa, as of December 31st,
Abengoa was one of the founding companies and currently 2022)
holds the vice presidency. The Railway Innovation Hub aims R&D investment: 629 (thousand Euros) (Abengoa, as of
to become a benchmark for railway innovation both nationally December 31st, 2020)
246 Anuario del Ferrocarril 2023 Spanish Railway Yearbook