Page 257 - Anuario FFCC - 2023
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- Ortigueira; Torrelavega Santander; Xativa-Alcoy; suppression   (Albacete,  Tarancón, Chivas,  Valencia, ERTMS of Córdoba
               of 10 crossings between platforms; all for ADIF. The Technical   Málaga, Gaucín- Algeciras, Murcia, BAB Aranjuez, Eurobalizas
               Assistance of the High Speed and Conventional lines of  La   Trip in Seville - Cadiz, León, Pancorbo and Granada), FGV,
               Encina  - Xàtiva- Valencia, and  the Technical  Assistance  for   TMB, and several other interlocks of railway stations. ISA
               the works of new frequencies of the  ASFA Digital and the   Evaluation of the Falling Objects Detection Equipment by
               inspection of  2,000  Level  Crossings  for ADIF. In  2022, the   Fiber Optic Cutting. AsBo for the Extremadura Line together
               electrification projects in the comprehensive renovation of the   with a partner. In 2021 and 2022, more than 30 ISA and AsBo  guía de empresas
               Padrún  tunnels  and  Villabona  tunnels  on  the  LEÓN-GIJÓN   projects with various technologists for ADIF facilities, including
               line; the Parla station halt project; of the construction project   the installation of totalizing signals in the RAM and ERTMS of
               of the  SANTANDER IISS; Technical assistance for the  Silla-  the Seville-Cádiz line.
               Cullera-Gandía line;  Montcada  bifurcation interlocking; of
               the B.A.B. in FIGUERES-PORTBOU; electrical substations and   R&D Projects: Determining the risk accepted level of Spanish in-
               electrification for the eastern  VALLADOLID railway variant;   service railway for different subsystems (CEDEX). Development
               of  the  inspection  and  support  in  the  management  of  the   of a wireless RCM system for monitoring rail assets (Wireless
               exploitation of the Metropolitan of Granada.      Railway Condition Monitoring, R&D&i 7 FP). TRANSRIFLEX:
                                                                 Rail  Inspection  by  Flexible  Electromagnetic  Acoustic
               RAM  and  Safety  Consulting: RAMS Supervision on  Lines 1   Transducer,  H2020). Development of a system for  crossing
               and 6 of the  Madrid Metro; RAMS supervision on  Line 7b   inspection (Synthetic  Aperture  Focusing Technique,  R&D&i
               (Metroeste) of the  Madrid Metro; RAMS Supervision in the   7 FP) and later with the H2020 its entry to commercialization.
               Hortaleza Deposit (Madrid); Supervision of the project of the   In 2020 we started the project funded by the CDTI: “New high-
               First Line of the Bogotá Metro PLMB (Colombia); Supervision   performance application for the calculation and verification of
               of the Marmaray project (Turkey);  Inspection of the signaling   railway signaling systems”, which we have just finished, also
               facilities of  Line 5 of the Madrid Metro; Safety analysis of   carrying out a specific simulator for the ASFA Digital system. In
               Platform Screen Doors for Metro de Madrid; Management   2022, the advanced ultrasonic predictive maintenance system
               of the  Acceptance of Functionality and Safety (RAMS) of   in diversion zones for  railways  MANTENPRED; technical
               Interlockings for Metro de Madrid; Prospecting and feasibility   assistance associated with the installation and validation in
               study of the integral automation of a current Metro de Madrid   stations of prototypes of the class 2-a protection system for the
               line; Improvement of safety in the works of railway signaling   rail crossing between platforms for passengers.
               installations; For the  IP  /  MPLS  network  of  EFE  (Chile).
               RAMS study for the Interurban train from  Toluca  to  Mexico   Occupational Health and Safety Coordination in several works
               D.F. (Mexico). Expert opinion of the unfortunate  ANGROIS   of ADIF, Metro de Madrid and MINTRA.
               accident for ADIF. Drafting of the Safety Dossiers of the stations
               of  Torrelavega  to  Santander  for  the  UTE  of  construction.  In   Products and Systems: SIMOVE: On-board speed monitoring
               2020, 2021 and 2022 Assistance in terms of technical advice   system developed with the Metropolitan of Tenerife. https://
               on railway safety to the Department of Territorial Policy, Public
               Works and Mobility of the  Generalitat Valenciana. In 2020   be WIRAIL: Wireless system for monitoring train parameters.
               and 2021, advice to the new high-speed rail operator OUIGO   CROSS INSPECT: System for the inspection of railways
               in terms of safety. In 2022, the RAMS of the tunnels of the   crossings. RIFLEX: System for speed inspection of the lane. EcoS
               PAJARES variant and of the RAMS management planning for   Intelligent  energy  measurement  system on board of mobile
               the 5G coverage of public mobile telephone operators on ADIF   material. ASFA TOOL Running simulator protected with ASFA.
               AV railway lines.
                                                                 Geographic  areas  where  your  products  and  services  are
               Assessment Body “AsBo”:  Independent  Safety Assessment   marketed: All over the world.
               (ISA): Of  generic  products (DTG-TC, DCOBF, LED Focus,
               SAVI, etc.); For specific applications (CBTC Sirius system in   Certifications:
               Line 7 of Madrid Metro, Sirius CBTC system in Rolling Stock   Quality, Environment and health and safety: ISO 9001:2008,
               Series 9000 of Madrid Metro, ITCS system in La Loma-Cienaga   ISO 14001:2004 and 45001:2018.
               Line of FENOCO, ITCS system shipped in the Rolling Stock
               of FENOCO, etc.) ISA of the installation of a “distance to go”   Turnover: Consolidated group with Mexico.
               signaling system (DTG) on Line 5 of the Madrid Metro for   No. of employees: Large team of railway engineers.
               Siemens; Modifications HW and SW of specific applications   R&D investment: 4%
               for ALSTOM TIS, SIEMENS, THALES Spain GRP, SISTEM, etc.
               in Murcia, Pontevedra, Gijón, Cantúnez, LAV Madrid-Levante

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