Page 52 - Revista Vía Libre Nº 649 - Marzo 2020
P. 52
Rail Live
BOMBARDIER per direction. Passenger flow is
optimized through wide door
openings (up to 1.6 m), with up
As a leading metro so- to eight doors per car. For in-
lutions provider, Bombardier is creased passenger safety, the
shaping the future of mass tran- metros feature end detrainment
sit and daily commutes. It hi- doors for rapid evacuation from
gh-tech, highly efficient MOVIA train to track.
metros deliver rapid, reliable Bombardier’s pioneering
and cost-effective transport solutions around the globe. advances in communications-based train control (CBTC)
From London to Delhi, New York to Shanghai, systems are supporting system optimization and upgra-
MOVIA metros move more than seven billion passengers des globally providing a new dimension in overlay capa-
every year. MOVIA metros are renowned over the world bility and tackling the capacity challenge. These systems
for their operational reliability, appealing design and en- can be deployed quickly, allowing some of the world’s
hanced safety features – everything that makes a metro largest cities to meet their transportation needs – ra-
an attractive mode of transport. pidly and reliably.
As part of a new or existing network, fully auto- The CITYFLO 650 system for driverless (DTO) or
mated or with a driver, the MOVIA metro family’s modu- unattended (UTO) train operations is designed for moving
lar approach ensures the right solution for each customer. block advanced metro operations and automated people
MOVIA metros fully integrate Bombardier’s pro- movers (APM). Track-to-train communication is achieved
ven sub-systems to maximize performance, including low via state-of-the-art wireless technology to provide bi-di-
weight, FLEXX Metro bogies which provide low lifecycle rectional communication. The system is operational or in
costs, and CITYFLO 650 technology, providing track to delivery on 40 lines worldwide, including lines 1 and 6 of
train communication via state-of-the-art wireless tech- Madrid Metro. In Spain, Bombardier is also present with
nology. its signalling solutions for the main Metro lines, in cities
The metros can move 120,000 passengers per hour, such as Bilbao, Sevilla and Barcelona.
CAF has several metro
CAF solutions that have been desig-
ned to operate at different auto-
CAF is one of the in- mation levels, including fully au-
ternational benchmarks in the tomated operation (GoA 4). This
design and implementation of type of system offers maximum
comprehensive mobility systems. safety with the help of state-
CAF offers integral project ma- of-the-art technology applied to
nagement and engineering at all movement supervision. Its most
stages of the project including recent references include fully
system design, civil works, signalling, electrification, other automated metros for Brussels, London and Santiago de
electromechanical systems, supply of rolling stock, and Chile.
system operation & maintenance. Regarding tramways, CAF has the Urbos solution,
Regarding rolling stock, CAF designs, manufactu- a range of state-of-the-art trams, designed with the
res and maintains high speed trains, regional and com- best passenger accessibility conditions. Urbos is a com-
muter trains, locomotives, metros units, trams, LRVs and plete low-floor tram which facilitates the boarding and
buses. alighting of passengers to and from the vehicle. Urbos
A growing number of cities across the world trams respond to the highest eco-design requirements.
choose CAF rail solutions as a guarantee of a sustaina- These vehicles can include Greentech technology for ca-
ble, high-safety means of transport. Regarding metros, tenary-free operation. This is an on-board energy sto-
CAF relies on its solution Inneo, a range of metro units rage system, based on lithium-ion supercapacitors and
equipped with the latest technological advances in ter- batteries.
ms of safety, performance and comfort. Featuring highly Today, CAF is manufacturing new tramways for
standardised equipment and service-proven solutions, In- cities such as Birmingham, Liège and Oslo.
neo metro units offer optimal reliability throughout their Visit CAF at Rail Live exhibition (stand 77).
entire life cycle.
52 Vía Libre • marzo • 2020