Page 420 - Anuario FFCC - 2024
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company guide  Sections I, II and III. Lodz (Poland).           LÍNEA FIGUERAS

                 - 1.3 km double tramway line with three stations along its rou-
                 te on Gagarina Street in the city of Warsaw (Poland).
                 - Modernisation on the section between Chrapka Street and UI
                 in Podgone (Poland).
                 - Tram line from Aleja Niepodleglosci to Pulawska Street (Po-
                 - Tram line to the Jar housing estate in Toru’ - part A, B and
                 C (Poland)
                 - Modernization of the Bydgoska tram line (Poland).
                 - Reconstruction of tram crossings Bielany in Warsaw (Po-
                 land).                                                     PERPIGNAN S.A.
                                                                           Sede social / Corporate Headquarter:
                 Maintenance:                                                  Sor Ángela de la Cruz, 3
                 - Preventive and corrective maintenance and auxiliary works   E-28020 Madrid. España / Spain
                 of  the different  electrification  facilities of  the conventional
                 network in the eastern area of Spain: overhead contact line,    Otras direcciones:
                 traction substations and high voltage power supply lines to
                 traction substations.                                      Oficinas principales / Main offices:
                 - Albacete-Alicante signaling maintenance. Several mainte-  Base de Mantenimiento / Maintenance Base
                 nances works in a line with 160km of double lane.      Carretera de Llers a Hostalets GIP-5107, km 1
                 - Adaptation of traction substations and their high voltage po-  E-17730 Llers. Girona. España / Spain
                 wer lines in conventional network to comply with Adif regula-  Tel.: +34 972 67 88 00
                 tions in the Northeast, South, Center and North areas.
                 - Maintenance of Albacete-Alicante signalling. Actions on a
                 double-rail line with two maintenance bases located in Mon-
                 forte and Bonete.                                    Establecimiento en Francia / Establishment in France:
                 - Maintenance service for the contact line, auto-transformer   Poste de Contrôle LGV Perpignan – Figueras
                 and remote control energy installations, including the installa-  Chemin de Balmourène
                 tions associated with the high-speed section between Chamar-  F-66740 Montesquieu-des-Albères. Francia / France
                 tín and Torrejón de Velasco.                                  Tel.: +33 (0)4 68 68 46 80

                 Geographic areas where your products and services are mar-  Descripción:
                 keted: Main European and American countries.      Línea Figueras Perpignan S.A. o LFP es una empresa binacio-
                                                                   nal participada al 50% por los dos gestores de infraestructuras
                 Certifications:                                   nacionales de ambos países: ADIF y SNCF Réseau. Tiene por
                 Quality, Environmental Management and RDI: As proof of   objeto la explotación y mantenimiento de una línea ferrovia-
                 our commitment to the HSE and QA/QC policies Lantania   ria de alta velocidad, interoperable y conforme a las ETIs, de
                 obtained the ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001:2018 cer-  tráfico mixto (pasajeros y mercancías) y con doble vía entre
                 tifications, in the areas of quality, environment and Health &   Figueres y Perpiñán, todo ello de conformidad con el Con-
                 Safety granted by Aenor. In addition, we have recently obtai-  venio para la Explotación y el Mantenimiento de la Sección
                 ned the ISO 50001:2018 certification of our energy manage-  Internacional, firmado el 19 de diciembre de 2022 por LFP, el
                 ment system. ISO 20400 Sustainable Purchasing Certification   Reino de España y la República Francesa, por un periodo de
                 granted by AERCE. ‘Calculo’ badge by the Ministry for Ecolo-  cuatro años con una opción de dos años adicionales, es decir,
                 gical Transition and Demographic Challenge.       hasta el 19 de diciembre de 2028.
                                                                   LFP es una sociedad de derecho español con calidad de Ge-
                 Income:  375 million Euro.                        stor de Infraestructura ferroviaria. De acuerdo con el carácter
                 Ebitda: 12.5 million Euro.                        binacional del contrato, la sociedad cuenta con un estableci-
                 No. of employees: 1,126.                          miento permanente en Francia.

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