Page 419 - Anuario FFCC - 2024
P. 419

- Execution of the works for the construction project of the   renovation and construction of pedestrian underpasses and a
               access to Terminal T4 of Madrid-Barajas Adolfo Suárez airport   bus stop.
               in standard UIC gauge.
               - Execution of bridge repair projects on the Madrid-Barcelona   Building construction:
               line, Vilanova-Sitges section: bridge over the Riera de Cañel-  - Construction of the new Albal (Valencia) train station. Con-
               las stream, km 640+674 and bridge over the Torrente de Piera,   struction of two buildings, located at the head of both plat-  guía de empresas
               km 636+562.                                      forms of 423 m2 each, with access control on both sides and
               - Execution of the works for the project to repair the bridge   communicated by an underpass.
               over the River Arlanzón I on the Madrid-Hendaye line, Quin-  - Accessibility improvement works at the Ramón y Cajal com-
               tana del Puente - Villodrigo section.            muter train station in Madrid.
               - Execution of the construction project for the extension of   - Works on the construction project to improve accessibility at
               track 2 at the southern end of Vic station on the line from Tour   Navalperal de Pinares station (Ávila).
               de Carol-Enveigt to the Montcada junction (Barcelona).  - Works on the construction project to improve accessibility
               -  Works  for  the  execution  of  the  project  to  stabilise  the   between platforms at Valdepeñas station (Ciudad Real).
               earthworks between km. 128+301 and 129+000. Castejón de   - Renovation project for the mechanical equipment operations
               Ebro - Bilbao line.                              rest module in the tunnels of the Algeciras Maritime Station.
               - Enlargement of track 3 at Orduña station (Vizcaya).  - New Valladolid railway complex. Phase II.
               - Modernization of the Huesca-Canfranc railway lines in two
               of its sections, the Ribaforada-Tudela line (Navarra) and the   Electrification:
               Mediterranean Corridor with new sleepers.        - Electrification of the Madrid-Extremadura high-speed corri-
               - Acoustic protections of the high speed line south zone (Ca-  dor. Erection of the overhead contact line (catenary) between
               stilla La Mancha and Andalusia).                 Plasencia and Peñas Blancas (125 km).
               - Acoustic protections of the high speed line Vitoria-Bilbao-  - Construction of traction power substations for the Pajares
               San Sebastian. Section: Bergara-Irun.            bypass:  20kV Transmission line,  GIS  400kV substation,  32
               - Typsa. Supply of sleepers for the maintenance of the nort-  transformation centers and 2 20kV autotransformation cen-
               heast area of the General Interest Railway Network (RFIG),   ters, including telecontrol and maintenance.
               for access to the new Barcelona Airport terminal, adaptation   - Commissioning of the Tomeza electrical substation (Pon-
               of Can Tunis station (Barcelona), section of Calafell-Gavá and   tevedra). Supply of equipment to the existing installation for
               others of Barcelona-Tarragona-France line, Cercanías de Bar-  its conversion into a traction substation that will feed the A
               celona between Parets del Vallés and La Garriga, maintenance   Coruña-Vigo Atlantic axis.
               of Metro Bilbao, renovation of turnouts and level crossings for   - Construction of 400kV Transmission line in Totana.
               Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat Valenciana FGV, the complete   - Overhead contact line on the section Sagrera–Mollet–Gra-
               renovation of the Gijón-Laviana (Asturias) and Torralba-Soria   nollers (Barcelona).
               (Soria), and the renovation of the sections Plasencia del Mon-  - Pre-construction engineering for the Las Vegas-Los Angeles
               te-Ayerbe, Ayerbe-Calderarenas, Jaca-Canfranc of Huesca-  High Speed Rail project.
               Canfranc line (Huesca), the standard gauge connection to the
               Mediterranean Corridor of the Llagosta Multimodal Platform   Metro and Tram:
               (Barcelona) and the remodelling of the Montcada-Bifurcación   - Works on the technical branch of the northern section of line
               station (Barcelona).                             3 of the Seville Metro.
               - Modernization of the Plovdiv-Skutare and Plovdiv-Krumovo   - Renovation works on Line 1 of Metrovalencia. Replacement
               railway lines and the Plovdiv railway junction in Bulgaria.   of the existing turnouts with their drives and modification of
               Renovation of distribution stations, design and construction   interlockings and centralised traffic control systems (CTC).
               of the platform, track systems, catenary, and signalling and   Track renewal will also be carried out on several branches and
               telecommunications systems.                      level crossings will be renovated. Replacement of 45 turnouts,
               - Modernization of the Voliujak-Petarch railway section in   the supply and installation of 14,374 prestressed concrete mo-
               Bulgaria. The works will involve the modernization of 12 km   noblock sleepers and the supply and installation of 24,932
               of track between Voluyak and Petarch to adapt the speed of   m3 of ballast.
               trains to 160 km/h, which requires the construction of new   -  Modernisation of  the tramway track,  street reconstruction
               layouts with civil works for the platform and structures, the   and water and infrastructure services on the section Pl. Bp.
               renovation of the railway track and the traction and catenary   Snore to Ul. Podgórna in Torun (Poland).
               system. Renovation of the station in the town of Kostinbrod,   -Reconstruction of the Lodz tramway line. Legionow Street.

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