Page 410 - Anuario FFCC - 2024
P. 410

company guide  Una experiencia de movilidad única que se ve completada   Main products and services:

                 con una oferta gastronómica de calidad a bordo con la crea-
                                                                   iryo, the first private Spanish high-speed operator, the compa-
                                                                   ny, owned by Air Nostrum, Globalvia and Trenitalia, operates
                 ción de su marca propia: Haizea que se puede disfrutar en 4
                                                                   most of the Spanish high-speed routes, connecting Madrid,
                 propuestas diferentes Menú Infinita Bistró, Menú de Mercado,
                                                                   Barcelona, Seville, Malaga, Cordoba, Tarragona, Valencia,
                 Bar Restaurante y Bar Móvil.
                 Además, cuenta con programa de fidelización propio, El Club
                                                                   Alicante, Cuenca, Zaragoza and Albacete. The company has
                                                                   an initial fleet of 20 new state-of-the-art trains.
                 Productos estrella: OPERADORES: 1. Líderes en calidad, para
                                                                   daily  journeys  between  Madrid  and  Barcelona,  in  order  to
                 que disfrutes de la mejor experiencia a bordo. 2. Segundo
                 operador en número de frecuencias, 70 conexiones diarias
                                                                   transport 8 million passengers a year, with a potential market
                 que unen distintos puntos de España. 3. Billetes flexibles en   It operates 30% of the High-Speed journeys, including 32
                                                                   of 30 million.
                 nuestras cuatro tarifas, para que puedas realizar cambios. 4.
                 Propuesta gastronómica de calidad bajo la marca HAIZEA. 5.   iryo has made an investment of 1,000 million euros and will
                 iryo conecta, un paso más en la movilidad integrada. Sea cual   create around 2,600 jobs in Spain, between direct and indirect
                 sea el camino, nosotros te llevamos.              jobs.
                 Actividades en el año:                            iryo is the only rail and mobility operator that offers its tra-
                 Servicio de transporte ferroviario de Alta Velocidad en España.   vellers flexible tickets without restrictive rates in which cu-
                                                                   stomers lose their money, all of them are flexible to all types
                 Áreas geográficas donde comercializa los productos y ser-  of changes and, in addition, offer the option to expand that
                 vicios:                                           flexibility through the Abierta modality. They are committed
                                                                   to personalization, with four classes of comfort for each type
                 Madrid                                            of traveller (Infinita Bistró, Singular ‘OnlyYOU’, Singular and
                 Barcelona                                         Inicial), and a new standard of Customer Experience with their
                 Zaragoza                                          own Assistants on board and on the ground.
                 Alicante                                          A unique mobility experience that is completed with a qua-
                 Cuenca                                            lity gastronomic offer on board with the creation of its own
                 Córdoba                                           brand: Haizea, that can be enjoyed in 4 different proposals
                 Sevilla                                           Menú Infinita Bistró, Menú de Mercado, Bar Restaurante and
                 Málaga                                            Bar Móvil.
                 Tarragona                                         It also has its own loyalty program, Club YO.

                                                                   Top products: OPERATORS: 1. Leaders in quality, for you to
                 Certificaciones:                                  enjoy the ultimate on-board experience. 2. Operator with the
                 Calidad y Medio Ambiente                          second highest number of connections, 70 daily connections
                 El Frecciarossa 1000 el primer tren de Alta Velocidad del mun-  between different points in Spain. 3. Flexible tickets on our
                 do en obtener la certificación de impacto ambiental (EPD) al   four fares, so you can make changes. 4. High-quality cuisine
                 contener las emisiones de CO2 por pasajero-kilómetro en 28   under the HAIZEA brand. 5. iryo conecta: another step for-
                 gramos.                                           ward in integrated mobility. Whatever the path, we’ll take
                                                                   you there.

                                                                   Activities in the year:
                 Management team:                                  High-Speed rail transport service in Spain.
                 Carlos Bertomeu – President.
                 Simone Gorini – CEO.                              Geographical areas where it markets products and services:

                 Activity: Railway Transport Operator.             Madrid

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