Page 407 - Anuario FFCC - 2024
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de Madrid. this previously non-existent automated calculation system to
Inspection, monitoring and supervision of the activities carried address this aspect is now more necessary than ever, and will
out to upgrade and adapt the entire high voltage, low volta- represent a significant competitive advantage for Inse Rail
ge and lighting electrical installation to the new requirements when this innovation project is successfully completed.
and current regulations for low-voltage electrical installations
in the Diego de León and Avenida de América stations of Me- The GALIBRAIL project is being developed by INSE RAIL, and guía de empresas
tro de Madrid. is expected to be operational in 2024.
Innovations in 2023: Geographical areas where products and services are marke-
Hyperstrooct Project Spain, Portugal, Saudi Arabia, United States and Israel.
In 2021, Inse Rail launched, in collaboration with the CDTI
(Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology), the Certifications:
HYPERSTROOCT innovation project. Quality, Environment, Health and Safety: ISO 9001:2015
(Quality) * ISO 14001:2015 (Environment) * ISO 45001:2018
The goal of this innovation project is to design and develop a (Health and Safety)
computerized system to simulate the structural response and
vehicle-structure interaction for Hyperloop viaducts, making it No. of employees: 100 (end of 2023)
possible to automate the design calculations of the viaducts in Share capital: 5.235.903 Euros (end of 2023)
order to evaluate and then build them. R&D Investment: 496.351 Euros (end of 2023)
Sales: 10,6 million Euros (end of 2023)
The many innovative goals of this project include resolving
the problem of structural analysis of vehicle movement along
viaducts or similar infrastructure in the Hyperloop system, and
also determining the predicted response for the structure and
the vehicle in terms of movement, deformation, stress and
strain. It is also essential to obtain results that can be applied
to the engineering, such making it possible to study alternati-
ves that are comparable to each other in order to assess the
required construction time and the necessary investment, or
planning the line and its division into sections based on the
route specifications and surrounding conditions.
The HYPERSTROOCT project is being developed by INSE IRECFER
RAIL, and is expected to be operational in 2024.
Galibrail Project
Dirección postal / Postal address:
In 2022, Inse Rail launched, in collaboration with the CDTI Calle Granada nº1 4B
(Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology), the 29680 Estepona. Málaga. España
GALIBRAIL innovation project. Teléfono: +34 951 97 92 30
The purpose of the GALIBRAIL project is to design and deve- Email:
lop a computerized system to calculate and analyze railway Web:
gages that takes all of the elements of a railway line, its envi-
ronment and rolling stock into consideration, and applies new Descripción:
algorithms to calculate and dimension the maximum measu- En Irecfer ofrecemos soluciones integrales para el desarrollo
rements to validate the traffic conditions in the current real ferroviario a nivel mundial, a través de nuestros servicios para
situation. electrificación ferroviaria, subestaciones de tracción, señali-
Since gage calculation is the basic pillar for developing new zación y comunicaciones ferroviarias, líneas eléctricas y obras
rail corridors, diversifying the operation of existing ones, and civiles ferroviarias.
enabling interoperability in international traffic, the need for Mantenemos nuestra experticia cumpliéndole a nuestros cli-
Spanish Railway Yearbook 2024 Anuario del Ferrocarril 405