Page 405 - Anuario FFCC - 2024
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tizado que permita abordar este aspecto, inexistente hasta la matic participation in R&D programs in collaboration with
fecha, es hoy más necesaria que nunca, y por ello supondrá Universities and Technological Research Centers, creating
una destacada ventaja competitiva para Inse Rail cuando fina- and maintaining proprietary tools to respond to the needs and
lice con éxito el presente proyecto de innovación. technical challenges of our activity.
El proyecto GALIBRAIL está siendo desarrollado por INSE Top products: DESIGN ENGINEERING: 1. New railway stati- guía de empresas
RAIL, y se prevé que esté operativo en 2024. on of the Alicante airport. 2. ADIF´s first Rolling-stock main-
tenance workshop.
Áreas geográficas donde comercializa los productos y ser-
vicios: Activities in 2023:
España, Portugal, Arabia Saudí, Estados Unidos e Israel.
Consulting Projects
Certificaciones: Technical assistance to the Directorate General for Public
Calidad, Medio Ambiente y Seguridad y Salud: ISO 9001:2015 Works, Transport and Mobility in the area of technical advice
(Calidad) * ISO 14001:2015 (Medioambiente) * ISO 45001: on railway safety. Ministry of Territorial Policy, Public Works
2018 (Seguridad y Salud) and Mobility. Generalitat Valenciana
Technical assistance to support the rolling stock engineering
Nº de empleados: 100 (cierre 2023) unit for Metro de Barcelona. Transportes Metropolitanos de
Capital social: 5.235.903 euros (cierre 2023) Barcelona
Inversión I+D: 496.351 euros (cierre 2023) Preliminary design of the “Urban Integration of the Chichilla-
Ventas: 10,6 millones de euros (cierre 2023) Cartagena Line in Alcantarilla and Javalí Nuevo (Murcia)” for
the Ministry of Development through the Subdirectorate Ge-
neral of Railway Planning. Ministry of Transport
Management Team: Design Projects
Chairman: César Cañedo-Argüelles. CEO: Jaime Cañedo- Construction project for the new railway access to the Alican-
Argüelles. Civil Engineering Area Manager: Fernando Acero. te airport and the new passenger station. Adif
Railway Systems Area Mananger: Luis Álvaro Rodríguez. In- Construction project for the complete remodeling of the Gri-
dustrial Area Manager: Oscar Domingo. sén station. Adif
Detailed design projects for the improvement of evacuation
Activity: and ventilation conditions in case of fire in the subway subur-
Engineering firm highly specialized in the railway industry and ban stations of Embajadores, Getafe Centro and Parla (Metro
specifically its facilities and systems, which is also active in de Madrid). Adif
the industrial and airport sectors. Project design to extend the Diagonal – Baix Llobregat tram to
the center of Sant Feliu de Llobregat. Autoritat del Transport
Main products and services: Metropolitá de Barcelona
Inse Rail, since its foundation in 1994, has supplied its cu- Project for the new Alstom maintenance center in Santa Per-
stomers with consultancy and engineering services during the petua de la Mogoda. Alstom
different stages of planning, design, building and exploitation Project to upgrade the Vilapicina Workshop for the expanding
of investments. fleet. TMB
Inse Rail participates in the Spanish and international develop- Construction project for a workshop for rolling stock mainte-
ment of the High Speed Rail and metropolitan transportation, nance in southern Madrid. Adif
with a strong specialization in electrification, signalling, secu- Projects to upgrade the low voltage installations in mainte-
rity and communication systems, and other railway transport nance bases of Renfe de Cerro Negro Diésel, León Motor,
installations. León Remolcado, Madrid and la Sagra. Renfe
Inse Rail has a multi-faceted team of experts in civil enginee- Project to modernize an old railway depot in Ponferrada with
ring, electric engineering, mechanics and telecommunicati- siding for trains 740 meters long. Ponferrada City Council
ons, who provide each individual customer with the service Construction projects to extend the sidings of the General In-
and commitment to achieve their objectives. terest Railway Network to 750m. Lot 3. Southern Section. Adif
Inse Rail is at the forefront of technology and maintains a Project to optimize railway access to new terminals. Port Au-
strong commitment to innovation, evidenced by its syste- thority of Seville
Spanish Railway Yearbook 2024 Anuario del Ferrocarril 403