Page 495 - Anuario FFCC - 2023
P. 495

transmissions, with integrated gear inverter. Efficient and   dimensions, achieving a lighter gear unit and a significant
               reliable solutions                                reduction of the noise generated by the gear.
               Coupling  with torque  limiter for  the  protection of  adjacent   Gearboxes for high speed trains: World leader in the supply of
               mechanical equipment in case of motor blockage.   gearboxes for vehicles with speeds over 250 km / h.
               World leader in couplers, automatic and semi-permanent   Voith CargoFlex and CargoFlex Hybrid: Automatic  couplers
               couplings, also for freight wagons; articulated joints;   and Hybrid automatic couplers (Type 10 and hook UIC 530)
               Scharfenberg energy absorption systems.           flexible for the automation of freight transport.  guía de empresas
               Frontal complete systems (front ends) and GRFP late energy   Smart Schaku: On-line application that improves the vehicle
               absorption systems (EN-15227 and EN412663). Integrated   availability thanks to a monitoring system which tracks loads
               design with energy absorption and coupling systems, front flaps   and changes in coupling status, reducing vehicle downtime.
               for the frontal coupling system.                  DIWA NXT: Maximum driving comfort due to jolt-free
               New CargoFlex Coupler, most advanced and reliable solution   starting and gear shifting. Number of gear shifts reduced by
               for the DAC project.                              50% compared to competition similar solutions. Compact
               Cardan shafts and highly flexible motor-generator couplings,   and powerful; up to 1900 Nm transmission input torque.
               with vibration filtering from the engine.         Housing design with reduced heat radiation surface. Extremely
               Full mounted wheel sets, integrating wheels, brake axle boxes   economical fuel consumption. Integration of the heat
               and gear unit.                                    exchanger into transmission output. Secondary lubrication
               Vehicle management and maintenance systems; digital   pump for towing operations.
               solutions                                         SZ-440:  Gear unit  designed  and delivered  for the  Siemens
               Integral maintenance and modification of railway vehicles.   Mireo platform, from the first order for Regional net Rheintal
               Maintenance and repair of mechanical equipment: gear units   S-Bahn Rhein-Neckar. Included a bionic gear option.
               and transmissions, coupling.
                                                                 Turnover: Euros
               Top  products:  ROLLING  STOCK  AND  TRACTION     No. of employees:  21.491
               EQUIPMENT: 1. CargoFlex. 2. OnEfficiency.StopStart.  Share capital: 1.460.000.000 Euros
                                                                 R&D Investment: 213.000.000 Euros
               Innovations:                                      Results: 30.000.000 Euros
               Bionic teeth: Innovative tooth design that allows smaller

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