Page 488 - Anuario FFCC - 2023
P. 488

company guide  stations underground. We continue with the detailed design   a collaborative environment supported by BIM methodology;
                  for tunnel and station infrastructure and superstructure renewal
                                                                    *DI0922 CSI. Infrastructure sustainability certification.
                                                                    Development of phases to achieve the first international
                  on Metro Valencia lines and the design of Line 10, as well as
                                                                    sustainability accreditation for a TYPSA Group infrastructure
                  the construction supervision, and health and safety supervision
                                                                    design; *DI0938 SIMOV. Combined development of pedestrian
                  and coordination on the Alicante-Rampa Amado Granell and
                                                                    and vehicle mobility simulations; *DI0939 BE-ACCESS-VR.
                  Rampa Amado Granell-Nazaret sections.
                                                                    Virtual Reality applied to the evaluation of accessibility and
                  In Mallorca, we are carrying out the preliminary study of the
                                                                    emergency conditions with a demonstration project in a Metro
                                                                    station; *DI0941 AUTM.MFDI. Automation of processes in BIM
                  rehabilitation of the Migjorn railway line, in Mallorca.
                                                                    Zero model. Digital models as starting data in infrastructure
                  In  Esukadi, we continue with the detailed design for Lezo
                  Intermodal Terminal in Gipuzkoa. We are also involved in the
                                                                    projects; *DI0946  ENHANCFRC. Characterisation and
                  construction supervision services for the new railway station   model federation and clash detection; *DI0944 INFRAZERODT.
                                                                    optimisation enhancements for the design of fibre-reinforced
                  in Usurbil, Gipuzkoa  and continue  providing construction   concrete elements in tunnels and underground works; *DI0851
                  supervision services in Bizkaia for the Elorrio - Elorrio section   CRC-HOLOBUILDER. Reality capture during construction with
                  of the Vitoria - Bilbao - San Sebastian high speed line trackbed   the Holobuilder tool.
                                                                    Areas where products and services are marketed:
                  In Castilla y León, we are carrying out the detailed design of the   North America, Latin America, Europe, the Middle East, Asia,
                  trackbed on the Madrid-Basque Country-French border high-  Australia and Africa.
                  speed line between Piernigas and Pancorbo.
                  We are  managing  health and  safety  coordination for  the   TYPSA has the following certifications:
                  maintenance and improvement works on the conventional   Quality, Environment, OH&S, R&D and BIM: ISO 9001:2015
                  railway network in ADIF’s north-east and east operations areas.  certified  by AENOR.  ISO 14001:2015 - Environmental
                                                                    Management, certified by AENOR, UNE 166002:2014 - R&D
                  In Sevilla, we are involved in preparing designs for the southern   Management, certified by  AENOR.  TYPSA’s  Occupational
                  section of Seville Metro line 3 and the project and construction   Health  and  Safety  Management  system  is  ISO  45001:2018
                  management of the completion of the railway system to Alcala   certified. TYPSA’s BIM Information Management System is ISO
                  de Guadaira.                                      19650 19650/ 2 certified. Its Anti-Bribery Management System
                                                                    is ISO 37001:2016 certified by AENOR.
                  Innovation in 2022.  Completed:  *DI0931 ACOM-SR.   Revenue: 325.13 million Euro
                  Advanced constitutive models for soils and rocks; *DI0935   No. of employees: 3,222 (yearly average)
                  SIMUTRANS. Optimisation of passenger flows in transport   Share capital: 2.4 million Euro
                  interchanges using microsimulation; *DI0937  AP-MI-C3D.   R&D investment: 2.1 million Euro
                  Automation of various processes in the construction of BIM   Earnings: 47.64 million Euro
                  models of linear infrastructure; *DI0942 TDA. Digital platform   Equity: 154.3 million Euro
                  for program management of Tren Maya project.

                  Ongoing:  *DI0808  TYPSA-BIM-PM-2022/23.  New
                  functionalities  for the construction and project  management
                  multi-device support platform; *DI0814 PARACUS. Design
                  and calculation parameterisation for recurring structures;
                  *DI0816 SIMTRACC. New capabilities and methodological
                  development of traction simulations in Railway Systems;
                  *DI0823 INFRARISK. Platform  for risk  analysis and
                  decision support for investment decisions and infrastructure
                  lifecycle planning; *DI0872 CFD-VENTILATION-SHAFTS.
                  Methodology for advanced computational fluid simulation
                  (CFD)  in  ventilation  (integration  in  civil  works);  *DI0892
                  WLC. Monetary and environmental costs associated with the
                  infrastructure construction and operation phases integrated in

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