Page 482 - Anuario FFCC - 2023
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company guide Basque Railway Network / Euskal Trenbide Sarea (ETS) - Platform crossing warning systems equipment
Broken rail detection systems
- Maintenance of tram and railway safety installations.
Facial recognition and passenger flow systems
Telephone blocking replacement systems.
GeoCV for intelligent farm aid manager
CTB (Bizkaia Transport Consortium)
Portable on-board equipment (SiBU) with
- Commissioning of the new hardware and software
movement, location and command authorisation
infrastructure supporting the Barik multimodal contactless
payment card. In addition, it has been necessary to re-
Decentralised needle and leakage pathway
engineer the communications network. The meticulous
cabinets and wireless connection for GE, with local
planning of the work has enabled users of the Barik card
to continue to use it without interruption, and without associated with virtual warning and resetting technology.
operating support.
impact on the transport operators’ networks. - CCTV per train presence event.
FGV (Ferrocarriles de la Generalitat Valenciana)
Geographical areas where it markets products and
- Maintenance of signalling installations, level crossings services:
and operating telephony on the FGV network in Alicante. Worldwide, mainly Europe, Latin America, Asia and
North Africa. Local presence in Turkey, Greece and Egypt.
TCDD (Turkey)
- Maintenance of signalling and communications on the - IRIS ISO-TS/22163. International Railway
Ankara Istanbul high-speed line Phase 1, Phase 4 and Industry Standard (IRIS) certification, an international
Phase 2. benchmark created by the European Railway Industry
Association (Unife).
FERROCARRILES SUBURBANOS S.A.P.I. (Mexico) - ISO 9001. Quality management systems.
Certificate number ES112462-1
- Maintenance of the signalling and communications - ISO14001. Environmental Management System.
installations of the suburban railway of Mexico (Buenavista Certificate number ES112467-1
- Cuautitlán). - ISO 45001. Occupational health and safety
management systems. Certificate number ES112466-1
ENR (Egypt) - ISO 27001. Information Security Management
Systems. Certificate number ES108039-A-1
- Maintenance of traffic control systems on the Cairo - - ISO 20000:2018. Quality of IT Services.
Alexandria and Asyut - Nahamadi railway corridor. Certificate number ES112415-1
- UNE 166002. Certification of R&D&I
Innovations: management systems. Certificate number ES115870-1.
Driven mainly by the digital transformation of the railway,
through the application of digital technologies such as No. of employees: 881 (Qualified technicians: 85%).
cybersecurity, connectivity (IoT, 5G, satellite, etc.), big Investment in R&D: 8% of sales.
data and artificial intelligence, the main activities have
- Development and leadership of the TD2.10
Smart all-in-all connected wayside object controller
demonstrator within the scope of the Shift2Rail Joint
- Monitoring and predictive monitoring of track
circuits and turnouts
- Comprehensive cloud-based CMMS maintenance
480 Anuario del Ferrocarril 2023 Spanish Railway Yearbook