Page 481 - Anuario FFCC - 2023
P. 481

Bilbao Metro                                     Huesca branch and Tarragona-Vandellós branch, GSM-R
                                                                  CORE central systems, Centralised Telecommunications
                 - Securisation in the MB PMC: Implementation of the   Management Systems.
                 necessary modifications in the centralised command post   - Maintenance of traffic control and complementary
                 of Metro Bilbao.                                 installations on the Madrid-Seville high-speed line, La
                                                                  Sagra-Toledo and Córdoba-Málaga branch lines.   guía de empresas
                 Ferrocarriles de la Generalitat Valenciana (FGV)  - Maintenance of traffic control and complementary
                                                                  installations  on the Madrid-Segovia-Valladolid high-
                 - Provision of the La Marina interlocking for modernisation   speed line.
                 of the signalling on the Sangueta-Puerta del Mar branch   -  Maintenance  of  the interlocking installations,  train
                 line.                                            protection systems, centralised traffic control, auxiliary
                                                                  detection systems, fixed telecommunications, GSM-R
                 ENR (Egypt)                                      and protection and safety installations on the Olmedo -
                                                                  Zamora, Pedralba, Taboadela, Orense -Santiago section of
                 - Renewal of Signalling and Telecommunications systems   the New High Speed Line on the North-Northwest High
                 on the  Assyut Nagh Hammadi line. Commissioning of   Speed Corridor.
                 Girga, Abou Tig, Bardis and Balyana stations.    -  Maintenance  of  the interlocking installations,  train
                 - Renewal of Signalling and  Telecommunications   protection systems, centralised traffic control, auxiliary
                 systems on the Cairo-Alexandria line. Commissioning of   detection systems, fixed telecommunications, GSM-R
                 Alexandria                                       and protection and safety installations on the Antequera -
                 - Renewal of Signalling and Telecommunications systems   Granada section of the New High Speed Line.
                 on the Cairo-Benha line. Commissioning of Farz Waborat   -  Maintenance  of  the interlocking installations,  train
                 stations.                                        protection systems, centralised traffic control, auxiliary
                                                                  detection systems, fixed telecommunications, and
                 TCDD (Turkey)                                    protection and safety installations on the section of the
                                                                  New High Speed Line Chamartín - Torrejón de Velasco
                 - Upgrading and commissioning of level 0 and level 1 of   junction.
                 the Cumaovasi - Tepeköy suburban line.           - Expert technical support for maintenance of  Thales
                 - Commissioning of level 1 at Baskent Ray, Ankara railway   equipment on ADIF’s conventional network.
                 network, and approval of the level 2 safety case by TCDD.  -  Maintenance  of  signalling  installations  on  ADIF’s  six
                 - Commissioning of level 0 and level 1 on phase 1 L0-  Conventional Network Operational Sub-directorates.
                 L1 Baliseyh-Yerköy, on phase 2 L0 & L1 Kirikkale and on   - Expert service for adaptation of  Thales technology
                 phase 3 L0 including TSRs of phases 1&2.         security installations on the ADIF network.
                 - Signalling technology level 0 of the Gaziray suburban
                 railway system in the eastern city of Gaziantep.  - Preventive maintenance assistance and corrective
                                                                  support services for class B, C and F level crossing
                 SERVICES                                         installations in the RFIG. 6 Lots, Lot 4: Northwest
                                                                  Operations Subdirectorate.
                 Administrador  de  Infraestructuras  Ferroviarias  ADIF
                 (Railway Infrastructure Administrator)           - Maintenance of the railway safety installations at the Port
                                                                  of Huelva.
                 - Maintenance services for fixed telecommunications
                 installations, GSM-R mobile telecommunications, mobile   Spanish National Railway Network RENFE
                 telephony operator infrastructure, central systems of the
                 GSM-R network core, centralised telecommunications   - Maintenance of LZB equipment for the automatic control
                 management  systems,  remote  control  of  energy  and   blocking of s/446 trains in the Madrid hub.
                 remote control of  detectors on high-speed lines: LAV   - Maintenance of safety and turnout motorisation
                 Madrid-Valladolid and Olmedo-Medina branch; LAV   installations in BMSs and BMIs of RENFE Manufacturing
                 Madrid-Sevilla and Córdoba-Málaga, La Sagra-Toledo   and Maintenance.
                 branch;  LAV Madrid-Valencia and  Albacete-Albacete
                 branch; LAV Madrid-Barcelona-French Border, Zaragoza-

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