Page 464 - Anuario FFCC - 2023
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company guide  Por otro lado, la compañía está centrando sus esfuerzos   (Talgo 250, Talgo 250 Dual), Intercity (Talgo 230), Commuter &
                  de investigación y desarrollo de proyectos en materia
                                                                    Regional (Talgo Vittal, Vittal ONE) and locomotives.
                  de experiencia del pasajero, en base a conceptos como
                                                                    Maintenance  Equipment:  Talgo supplies maintenance
                  accesibilidad, confort, seguridad, experiencia diferenciadora y
                                                                    equipment to operators around the world, with three main
                                                                    product categories: underfloor  wheel lathes  to re-shape the
                                                                    wheels without having to disassemble the bogies, measurement
                  Una de las vías para llevar a cabo sus objetivos estratégicos
                                                                    equipment to analyse wheel imperfections, and Talgo shunting
                  en innovación es la colaboración de Talgo con startups. De
                  esta forma, se reducen los tiempos, los costes y se impulsa
                                                                    cars designed to move trains in a simple and effective manner.
                                                                    Talgo also develops advanced maintenance engineering
                  una innovación ágil que permite conectar a Talgo con los
                  desarrollos más tecnológicos del mercado, así como acelerar
                  su innovación.
                                                                    and machine learning.
                  Áreas  geográficas  donde  comercializa  los  productos  y   solutions, based on the extensive use of digitization, big data,
                                                                    Smart  Maintenance  Engineering:  Talgo  develops  advanced
                  servicios:                                        digital platforms to support mobility solutions in the rail sector,
                  Talgo está presente en más de 40 países en todo el mundo,   based on new Industry 4.0 technologies and making extensive
                  entre los que destacan España, Alemania, Dinamarca, Egipto,   use of technologies such as: IoT, Machine and Deep Learning,
                  Estados Unidos, Arabia Saudí, Kazajistán y Uzbekistán.    Big Data Cloud Computing, digital twins, artificial vision,
                                                                    and augmented reality, to optimise the operating capacity of
                                                                    transport systems and maximise the availability, reliability, and
                                                                    operating safety of the train fleet. To that end, it has developed
                  Management team:                                  a digital platform called Tsmart© for real-time monitoring and
                  President: Carlos Palacio Oriol.  Chief Executive Officer:   predictive maintenance based on artificial intelligence, as well
                  Gonzalo Urquijo. Chief Operating Officer: Elena Moral. Chief   as the Talvi© platform for automatic train inspection based on
                  Financial Officer and Branch Director: Álvaro Segura Echániz.   artificial vision.
                  Chief Commercial Officer: Rafael Sterling. Human Resources
                  and HS Director: Yolanda Juanas. Internal Audit Director: María   Maintenance services:  Talgo provides comprehensive
                  L. Pacheco. Administration and Treasury Director: Fco. Javier   maintenance services and vehicle refurbishment, both for the
                  Oriol. Management Control Director: Julio Domínguez. I.T.   vehicles it manufactures and for 3 -party rolling stock.
                  Director: Roberto Corral. Industrial Director: Roberto Martínez.
                  Maintenance Director: Luis  Alfonso Henar. Engineering   Top  products:  ROLLING  STOCK  AND  TRACTION
                  Director: Fernando Aznar. Client Projects Director: Javier Espino.   EQUIPTMENT: 1. AVRIL RENFE. 2. Talgo 230 DSB. 3. Talgo
                  Innovation Director: Emilio García. Procurement Director:   230 ICE L. 4. Talgo Vittal ONE.
                  Cristina Bodegas. Supply Chain: Carlos Rodrigo. Quality and
                  Environment Director: Mercedes Izarra. EU-CIS Commercial   Activities in the year:
                  Director: Enrique Riesco. Iberia-Latam Commercial Director:   Activities in 2023:  Talgo continued to consolidate its
                  Ana Lucena. MEA Commercial Manager: Mohammad L. Kadra.   international presence with  new contracts abroad, while
                  Director of Commercial Offers: Fabian Marín.      completing testing the Avril (Renfe Series 106), which will be
                                                                    the world’s first variable-gauge, high-speed train. The company
                  Activity:                                         is also deploying a new range of digital platforms for optimising
                  Leading Spanish company in the railway sector focused on   the operating capacity of transport systems and maximising the
                  the  design,  manufacture  and  maintenance  of  rolling  stock,   availability, reliability, and operating safety of the train fleet.
                  with  advanced  digital  platforms  providing  maintenance
                  services  for  the  management  of  rail  mobility.  With  a  high   The following projects stand out:
                  international presence, it has gained worldwide recognition
                  due to its innovative capacity, reliability, quality, and customer   Avril Renfe (Spain). The Talgo Avril model has an innovative
                  orientation.                                      3+2 internal distribution to increase capacity without reducing
                                                                    passenger comfort. Half of these trains will also mount an
                  Main products and services:                       automatic track-gauge changing system for very high-speed
                  Talgo is a Spanish company that is internationally renowned in   (300 km/h), for the first time in history. The testing process is
                  high-speed and long-distance rail.                almost complete.

                  Trains: Very high-speed (Talgo  Avril, Talgo 350), high-speed   Avril Adif  (Spain). Spain  rail infrastructure manager  Adif

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