Page 417 - Anuario FFCC - 2023
P. 417
1612, crash analysis according to EN 15227:2008. Calculation Turnover: 2,500,000.00 Euros
of prestressed bolted joints and riveted bolted joints according No. of employees: 48
to VDI-2230. Supports calculation according to EN 12663-
1/2:201, etc.
- Front and end car engineering that includes: cabin,
cell resistant, fairings, accessories and supports.
- Comprehensive design of the interior of the vehicle guía de empresas
for the passenger saloon and the driver’s cabin.
- Mechanical design of electrical cabinets, equipment
boxes and battery boxes.
- Complete production lines to industrialize car
bodies. MGN
- Railway vehicles refurbishment. Transformaciones del Caucho, S.A.
Top products: ENGINEERING AND CONSULTING: 1. Candelaria, 9
Conformer to put together the AKT car body units. 2. Complete E-28864 Ajalvir. Madrid. España
interior design for the Sweden AKT units. Tel.: +34 91 887 40 35
Activities in the year:
Outstanding collaboration in the development of rail projects:
Equipo directivo:
- Car body: VRR CP6 Germany, Renfe CN5, SJ AB CEO: Enrique Navarro, Director Técnico: Juan José Nebreda,
Sweden, LNER, Montpellier Tram, AXL Urbos. Directora Calidad: María Alzórriz. Directora Financiera: Nuria
- Interior design: SJ AB Sweden, AKT AB Transitio, Adán. Ingeniería: Daniel Solsona. Compras: Bienvenida
RENFE Alpino CN6, Auckland New Zealand, VRR Germany, Navarro. Director Producción: Joaquín Navarro.
- Mechanical installations: Auckland New Zealand, Actividad:
VRR Germany. Componentes técnicos de caucho-metal, Material rodante,
- Tooling and Production: Design of preliminary tools Ingeniería y consultoría, Mantenimiento.
and final frame assembly tools, as well as the complete car
body assembly tools for LRVs units of ESSEN. Design of roof Principales productos y servicios:
tools and car body assembly for the VRR project. Car body Diseño y fabricación de elementos elásticos y antivibratorios
general conformer for AKT units. de caucho-metal para el ferrocarril (equipos de alta velocidad,
- Refurbishment: Car body production tools for the cercanías, metros, tranvías, etc.)
Cairo Metro. Production fixtures for the Athens Metro. - Articulaciones y rótulas elásticas
- Articulaciones pivote para caja de ejes
Innovations: - Montaje de Bielas y Subsistemas mecánicos
Close collaboration with CAF for the development of the box - Sistemas de Suspensiones Primarias
structure of the new double-deck NSDD units for the Dutch - Suspensiones secundarias
operator Nederlandse Spoorwegen. - Resortes cónicos
- Apoyos elásticos
Geographic areas where your products and services are - Silentblocs pivote
marketed: National –Spain– and international expansion. - Muelles de choque y de tracción
- Fuelles de gran tamaño
Certifications: - Aplicaciones según EN 45545
In addition to being certified in Quality and Environment,
Metrica has been certified in UNE-EN 15085-2 for welding Productos estrella: COMPONENTES: 1. Componentes
of railway vehicles and components. Metrica’s head of the técnicos de Caucho-Metal. MATERIAL RODANTE Y EQUIPOS
Interiors department is certified in Adhesive bonding of vehicles DE TRACCIÓN: 2. Mantenimiento subsistemas de bogie.
and railway components according to DIN 6701.
- ISO 9001:2015 Actividades en el año:
- ISO 14001:2015 - Expansión comercial EEUU, Canadá, México, Argentina y
- UNE-EN 15085-2:2007, CL4 level Brasil.
Spanish Railway Yearbook 2023 Anuario del Ferrocarril 415