Page 422 - Anuario FFCC - 2023
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company guide Certificaciones: Calidad y Medio Ambiente: Certificación - Technical Assistance in track in city centers of Madrid
de Sistema Integrado de Gestión conforme a las normas
and Barcelona, as well as to High-speed trains.
UNE-EN ISO 9001, 14001 (calidad y medio ambiente).
- Installation of on-board equipment to national level
(customers: Siemens, Indra, GMV, SEPSA-MEDHA etc.).
Certificado de Auditoría Reglamentaria de Prevención de
- Installation of on-board equipment at national level.
Riesgos Laborales APRL-2020/0038.
- Software Update and improvement of safety of on-board
Obtención del Certificado ISO 45001:2018, del Sistema
equipment (Digital ASFA, ETCS, legal keyloggers, etc.).
de Gestión de la Salud y Seguridad en el trabajo.
- Repair of accidents.
- Maintenance of Traffic Control Installations and Auxiliary
Description: Joint Venture between Siemens (51%) and
Renfe (49%). - Improved reliability of equipment and railway
- Railway Engineering Services.
Management team: CEO: José Ignacio Martín-Yagüe.
CFO: Guillermo Horacio Giordano. Innovations:
- Implementation of a maintenance data acquisition using
Activity: Integral maintenance services for railway rolling mobile terminals.
stock and components. - Development of test benches for several railway systems
(ERTMS, ASFA Digital, Train to Wayside System, etc.).
Main products and services:
Integral maintenance of rolling stock. Geographic areas where your products and services are
Revision and repair of mechanical and electronically marketed: National and international.
Installation and update of onboard equipment in trains Certifications: Quality and Environment: Certification of
fleet. the integrated management system, according to UNE-EN
Railway support services. ISO 9001, 14001, 45001 (Quality and Environment).
Accident train repair. Certification of the Labour Risk Prevention System APRL-
Design and fabrication of test bench. 2020/0038.
Maintenance of traffic control installations and auxiliary ISO 45001:2018 Certificated achieved, regarding the
systems. System of Management of Health and Safety at work.
Railway engineering services.
Top products: MAINTENANCE: 1. Project VELARO E. 2.
Suburban network 447 and CIVIA Project. 3. Repairs
& Services Center- CRS. 4. Signalling Engineering HUB.
Activities in the year:
- Integral maintenance of 26 High Speed trains VELARO E
at Santa Catalina (Madrid) and La Sagra (Toledo) depots.
- Integral maintenance of 78 trains series 447 for Rodalies
Catalunya at Cornella de Llobregat depot - (Barcelona),
and associated facilities.
- Traction system maintenance for 84 CIVIA Serie trains in NOVA CARTOGRAFÍA
Madrid at Atocha depot.
- Maintenance of the air conditioning equipment Dirección postal / Postal address:
of the train fleet maintained by Renfe Fabricación y C/ l´Alcalatén 5, Bajo Izquierda
Mantenimiento. 46900 Torrent, Valencia, España.
- Overhaul and repair of railway equipment (pantographs, Teléfono: +34 664 235 051
compressors, dampers, air conditioning equipment, etc.) Fax: +96 321 08 77
and electronic components (displays, door controllers, Email:
Passenger Information System, etc.). Web:
420 Anuario del Ferrocarril 2023 Spanish Railway Yearbook