Page 412 - Anuario FFCC - 2023
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company guide 98 TALLERES ZITRON, S.A. reinforcement of internationalization, competitiveness of
our members and the intensification of the representation
of the Spanish rail sector.
100 TEKNIKER - Research and Technology Centre
101 TELDAT, S.A.
Thanks to the services offered by Mafex, we foster
102 TELICE, S.A.
collaboration amongst our members and contribute to
the identification of new business opportunities, also
reinforcing the sector’s positioning. We also lead direct
107 TYPSA - Técnica y proyectos, S.A.
in main rail/mobility exhibitions worldwide, and the
creation and implementation of in-house services.
109 URETEK SOLUCIONES INNOVADORAS, S.L.U. and inverse trade delegations, the Spanish pavilion
110 VALDEPINTO, S.L. With the aim of supporting the competitiveness of
111 VICOMTECH - Fundación centro de Tecnologías de member companies, making them more innovative
Interacción Visual y Comunicaciones and technologically advanced, Mafex works towards
112 Voestalpine Railway Systems JEZ, S.L. the identification of calls at national and European
113 Vogelsang, S.L. (Vogelsang Spain) level, boosting and managing consortia, implementing
114 WSP SPAIN - Apia, S.A. technological and non-technological project proposals
115 ZELEROS Global, S.L. and encouraging the participation of the member
companies in R&D projects.
Management team:
Chairman: Víctor Ruiz Piñeiro. 1 Vice President: In addition, different sectoral forums, workshops and
Concepción Ortega. 2 Vice President: Luis Fernández. events are also organised to promote networking amongst
Secretary: Jaime Hernani Bengoa. General Director and main stakeholders.
Executive Vice president: Pedro Fortea Echeverría.
Finally, Mafex carries out an intense work in
Activity: communication and marketing to promote the sector and
Mafex is the Spanish Railway Industry Association. Its its members both at national and international level, as
main objective is to represent and defend the interests of well as to present and represent in different forums of
the Spanish Railway Industry in general, and our current interest for the rail sector.
115 members in particular, through the implementation
of actions related to strategic intelligence, international Top services: BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS: 1. Participation
promotion, trade policy, sectoral forums, working groups, in international exhibitions and congresses. 2. R&D
R&D project office, innovation, talent, institutional Projects Office. 3. UC Ladicim - Mafex Master’s
relations, marketing and communications. Mafex is programme in Railway Engineering. 4. Forums and
widely supported by the experience and prestige of Working groups.
the Agex Group Federation, of which it is a member.
Mafex is also a prominent member of CEOE (Spanish Activities in the year:
Confederation of Business Organizations), UNIFE During 2022 MAFEX undertook different activities.
(European Railway Industry Association), PTFE (Spanish
Railways Technological Platform), AET (Spanish Transport Throughout 2022 and despite the restrictions on mobility
Association) and ERCI (European Rail Cluster Innitiative). caused by the impact of Covid-19, Mafex has carried out
It actively collaborates with entities such as the Ministry varied activities in its areas of action (internationalisation,
of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda, Adif, Renfe, innovation and competitiveness, public affairs and
Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism, The Spanish communication). It is remarkable the organization of
Railway Foundation, Metrotenerife, Alamys, Uitp, Icex the third edition of Rail Live! Congress and Exhibition,
and the Basque Government, among others. which is the professional forum/meeting point for the
railway sector. Rail Live also counted on the active
Main products and services: support of Adif, Renfe, Icex Spain Export and Investments,
Mafex has conducted different working groups which are the Spanish Railways Foundation, the Spanish Railway
aligned with the strategic objectives of the Association: the Technology Platform, the Community of Madrid, Madrid
410 Anuario del Ferrocarril 2023 Spanish Railway Yearbook